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I was sobbing in Sarah's Arms

"What if he doesnt want me After EVERYTHING i said lasted night." i cried and sarah held me tighter

"I cant just leave someone and then come back with THIS hell think im fucking crazyy or he probably losted feelings for me after all i said ... " i cried

Sarah sighed "noo he'll still love you nomatter what you said because love has its ups and its downs and then its back together yall just have to really want it like yall have to fight for each other because thats LOVE and thats real love yall are destined tho because if not yall wouldn't be were yall at now a down fall babygirl that's all this is yes this stage hurts and knowing your news it hurts more but you have to understand justin love you no matter what and you love him.." sarah said and i nodded tears in my eyes

"Should i call him?" i asked and Sarah nodded

Justin's POV

"Mom... She told me she HATES me she...she...she..she.. SHE Fucking HATES me mom i Hate me now because she hates me and im soo fucked up why does she even waist her time she wont anymore thoo SHE'S gonna leave me this time i Care MOM I CARE ... SO FUCKING MUCH SHE LEAVE ME IM NOTHING I NEED HER SOO BADLY WHY CANT SHE SEE IM A LOSTED PUPPY WITH HER WHY CANT SHE SEE I LIVE FOR HER AND I CARE SO FUCKING MUCH MOM I WOULD GIVE HER THE FUCKING WORLD.. MAN THE WORLD " I cried to my mom she held me tightly to her as she spoke

"Its Okayy sweetheart this is just a down fall but obviously jasmine just need to straighten herself for yall nexts stage in you guys relationship its not over and she said she loves you and she meant that so why would you ever believe her saying she hates you or shes down .. Yes people know when enough is enough but SHE'S not ready.. She still have good memories that's hard for her to let go of and she love you endlessly."my mom said as i felt my phone vibrating in my pocket.

I sighed and pulled it out to see who it was


Shocked Filed my Eyes as i Stumble to answer "HELLO JAS.." i said and it came out a sob

"Hello.. Yes justin umm.." jasmine said from the other side of the line her voice sounded pained and she sounded like she'd been crying.

"C'mon baby.. Whats up" i sobbed out.

"Have you been crying justin... ?" jasmine said she knew my voice so well she knew my mood within my voice..

I sighed "yea.. I have but i dont wanan go into details with that over this phone."i said

"Okay.. Well Then Come See Me And Ill Listen... I have something i have to tell you it can't be over the phone.. Though " jasmine said and i was shocked but i agreed

"Im on my way.."i said and hung up the phone i looked over at my mom before grabbing my keys and headding out the door.

A/N Sorry its Short but ill Update On A Regular.. Sorry ive been Gone and Busy With Personal Stuff And School But im Back Now .

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