Life Line

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Jasmine's P.O.V.

I Looked at Justin after we pulled back from our hug his eyes filled with tears and he looked sad.

"why are you crying?" I asked without thinking

Justin smiled softly and looked into my eyes deeply "I was afraid you really was over with me..."he said horrible look on his face like he lost a relative or something he was broken.

"and I couldn't imagine what it would be like.. no scratch that what lifeee would be like without you jasmine I love you soo FUCKING much it hurts me to even think about bein over with you.." Justin said with another pause "your my everything jasmine truly."

I looked at him and sighed "I wouldn't leave you sometimes I wish I could just... " I paused tears forming in my eyes " I wish I can just say Justin I'm done and walk away but my heart wants what it wants and I can't stop myself from fallen in love with Your stupid asss more and more each day.." I say in full on tears.

At that moment I didn't care if I was crying in front of him I just didn't care I kept on crying and crying I hated him sometimes truly but I'd die before I ever gave up on him.

Justin grabbed me and held me suddenly "shhh baby Shh" Justin said stroking my hair

"you gave me all of you and I understand I didn't do you right many times .. like I really really fucked up a lot we been through a lot hell even and I just really wish somethings I could take it back I really do and I really care for you a lot you are my everything I cried because I just realized how valuable you are to me and I care about you soo much and I love you so much. it hurts me to say but youuu can't ever try to leave me I don't want you going anywhere don't walk out my life I love you and I care about you a lot."

I just looked at him and hugged him again.

Justin's P.O.V.

"Hello" I said into my cell

"Justin Wassup"Alfredo said from the other side of the line

"sup man!"I say looking down at jasmine to see her already staring at me

"I was just trying to see if you wanted to go to my grand opening tonight?" he said as jasmine mouthed to me 'who's that'

I Mouthed back 'fredo' and she smiled and nodded
"um I'm with jasz" I say and Alfredo gasped

"well then bring my bff with you then I'll see you guys here at 8 yeah? OK good then bye bye bro" Alfredo said and with that he hung up without letting me speak

smiling I looked at jasmine
"Are you up for a art show?"

"only if it's Alfredo's" she said smiling back at me

I nodded "he invited us" I say

she nodded and stood up and headed for the room

We arrived at Alfredo's Show and walked hand and hand over the red carpet.

jasmine was laughing at some guy who fell down in front of us before we made it to the carpet it was so amazing to see her and hear her laughing again I loved the sound of it and I loved her so much

I took her hand and smiled at her as we walked pasted the Red carpet over to Alfredo.

"Good to see you guys here tonight together"Fredo said Smiling at us both

jasmine smiled and gave Alfredo a hug "we're glad to be here bff! I missed you so much how's Alice"

"she's good she is inside and my daughter is too you guys should come and meet her."

I looked at jasmine and grabbed her hand following Alfredo as he led the way.

We walked in to see the place packed with other celebrities

"JUSTIN!" someone yelled from behind me and I felt to arms hugg me from behind.

turning around I see Kendall She smiles at me and I looked at her

"hey Kendall" I say hugging her back

"jasmine!"she smiled hugging her also

"wow wow Wow it's amazing to see my favorite too together again at a event like this"Kendall said smiling at me

"Well fredo invited us "jasmine said in a bitter tone

Kendall smiles and nodds "well... I'll see you guys later then."she said and with that she was gone

I looked down at jasmine who had afredos Daughter in her hands

I turned to Alfredo and he Smiled "so what's up with you to?"

"I don't know actually for the pasted 5 hours we've been smiling and laughing but the 3before that it was tears and sorrow it has really been a rollercoaster with us"

Alfredo nodds taking in my words "well. it looks to me like You guys are in a good place stay there" Alfredo paused "you don't wanna lose her do you?" He asked

"No of course Not I love jasmine so much I'd do anything for her." I said looking at Alfredo in the eyes

"well that's good keep it that way you guys have a lot of working on to'll get better trust me everybody had those troubles in relationships"
Alfredo said patting my back

thinking about what he said made me think that I can never live without her I love her I will always love her no one else will love her like I love her.

And I can't live without heart this baby might just be the best thing that could ever happen to us and I want to make us last forever not just one time but forever.

I want weeks with this girl I love you as with this girl and I want everything with his girl even a child.

Can't imagine myself without this girl I will do anything for this girl killed even funny how far I got no funny how far we got in love will always win in the end specially the love we have for each other

Jasmine stood up and looked at me "Are you okay Justin?" she asked with a concerned look on her face

nodding my head I thought about what she just asked "yeah I'm fine" I said with a pause "you know you're my lifeline right" I said making Jasmine smile at me

"you know you're my everything" Jasmine said with a cute smile on her face.

smiling I grab Jasmine in to turn into a hug the rest of the night was amazing we smile and laugh and have fun with alfredo and his family.

She will forever be my life line.

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