Deny the undeniable

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Jasmine's P.O.V.

"So what would you say is you're problem in this relationship" The counselor spoke looking upon the both of them in her presence. 

Jasmine cleared her thoat. "Justin..  Has anger issues. And I'm crazy for still being around." I said with a pause ''but..  I can't help it im addicted to the thought that I could be married to him one day and the fact that he is seriously the only guy I've grown attached to.'' I spoke the lady noddeed her head makin note on he pad. 

"Is he your first love.?" she said and I nodded looking over at justin. 

She did as well "Mr bieber what do you think the issue in you're relationship with Ms V here." She asked looking at justin he sat up and looked at me then he turned to look at her and he sighed. 

"I.. Guess lack of communication." He said in a low voice almost a whisper. 

She nodded her head.  ''Was there ever a time in your relationship where you both were happy. And if so what do you both think effected you two to separate." She said looking at us both. 

I was about to speak when justin cut in "we always..  Loved eachother." He says I shook my head in disbelief

"You cheated.." I said and he looked at me "when you cheated on me with chloe that's when our relationship took a turn for the worst. Because after that I couldn't trust you." I said to him raising my voice

He shook his head."No jas thats not true."

I laughed in disgust "Deny the undeniable all you want. but its true I didn't trust you after I found out about you and her..  After I came back I left you fucked up again and again and again justin.  Then i get back with you and your Okay!!  And come to find out that you still was fucking selena this hole time and im so unaware of it until the media comes into the issue.  You then began losing feelings for me!  You began to have a wondering eye.  You're so unbelievably stupid I deny the fact I ever even met you before you came back I was fucking great with the tainted idea that you Beat me because you never wanted a kid with me in the first place!  Because you want her.. You want to be with her everytime were together you crave her Touch and you cant deny it you beat me for not being fucking her!! Outside of that house you were trapped on me and you didn't want to be so you got rid of the fucking problem Blue!!  You cant deny it you can't deny all the times you were 'leaving to the studio' but you Were always with her. You always told me that I caught you at a bad time. !! When you want to go screw youre Whore.. Who isn't me!'' As I finished I noticed I was in tears already.  Justin looked at me his eyes dark and he was pissed off. 

Justin Looked at me ''So you knew..  All this time why'd you stay then jas!  Like damn I told you after I cheated..  It was the last time and I'm sorry that I did so but for you to sit here and accuse me of killing our child out of anger you're sadly mistsken.  I wouldn't do that..  I losted control and im fucking sorry!!" Justin cried out '' im sorry im not the one for you anymore.  I'm sorry I hurt you!  Our hole relationship is a rollercoaster! Where did we go jasmine only over seas and only in our heads we were forced to believe that we were just gonna be living in fucking 13 years ago..  You have been here in sorry you feel like you wasted and you know nobody will ever understand what we had before and never will they know what we have and now what!! Its difficult. And Its ups and fucking down weather you leave me I'll know something that you weren't just a rollercoaster you were my love and I can't help but hurt the ones I love! me crazy I love you jas.  And never will I adcept that you're gonna walk out on me.  One minute were up and then we're falling down hill again.!! I'm tired.." Justin yells at me back. 

I jump lately as he yelling the lasted part of what he was saying  as I kept crying.

''So how do you feel now.?'' She said and I got up and headed for the door "ms V w-'' she was cutt off by me walkin out the office and running away crying my eyes out as I headed for the door I heard foot steps behind. 

"JASMIINE WAIT! '' justin said as he ran after me I kept running but faster and faster. 

I stood stopped and got into my car closing the door and getting the car  started just as justin came to the window I pulled off quickly crying as I drove down the street. 

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