Let me Love you part 2

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Just a heads up I wrote this chapter in a different way then i did my others just wanted to try something new. So tell me if you like this way or not by commenting ill read them.

Jasmine walked into Justin's condo as soon as he opened the door for her. She knew that it would be hard to deny the fact Justin and her needed help. After loosing a child she needed help and so did Justin she never meant to yell at justin or blame him for the mistake he made in the pasted but at the end of the day she knew she'd always love him. She's not the blame for 8 years Apart.. She Realized it Made her love him Even more she couldn't let 13 years go to waist she wanted him and her to be the way they were. Happy she sat down across from justin her head still remain Down and she looked onto the ground she didn't know what to say how should she go about talking to him after she yelled at him after she been a Bitch to him and they were supposed to be making it right she's a bitch.. She thought.

Justin cleared his throat snapping Jasmine out of her thoughts. He then began to speak "Jas.." he spoke she could hear the hurt in his voice as he spoke.

She looked at him and just stared she caught a glimpse of his eyes And the hurt stored inside them.

"Jas. I love you" Justin breath out pausing for a moment. " i love you.. And i don't want you to go.. Please dont go. You said you would always be here.. But always is never to be seen. I know jas.. I know i killed Blue and i H..h..h..h..Hurt you" Justin said stuttering the Lasted word. "I never intentionally tried to hurt you. Ever since baby video i knew you were the one to put up with my Bull shit our relationship wasn't perfect hell.. Every relationship is hell.. But im Glad i went through hell with you im glad We made it this far.. YOU should be a saint towards me.. You should hate me .. Id understand if you did i love you to Death! Maybe More then my Own life. I let you down i let us down and im soo very Fucking sorry. If you hate me i Understand. You have a right to hate me its okay to hate me im a asshole who ruined you're life and i deserve every bit of hate you have inside you." as justin spoke jasmine found her eyes began to water. As she listened to Justin explained to her how he felt about her.

Justin grabbed her hand "I'll do Anything." he said getting on his knees "Baby forgive Me trust me.. Ill never ever ever hurt you Please jasmine you dont understand how deep my love for you is i love you more then my life i love you jas. I can't when i saw your face at that award show i knew. I had to get you Back.. dammit its been 8 FUCKING years.. Jas How many times do i have to tell you im Soo FUCKING sorry i love you. I'm sorry I'll do anything You just have to trust me" Justin was a messed on his knees hugging her leg crying and sobbing pleading her not to leave she couldn't just leave him.. But she had to have some kind of control in this relationship and she knew she had to be the one in control so she spoke

"Rehab." jasmine said softly making Justin stop crying and look up at her

"..rehab?" he repeated.

Jasmine shook her head "Relationship rehab either that or no us.." Jas spoke firmly and confidentially justin wanted to get up and show her he was the man in the relationship but he decided against it he knew she wouldn't ever want him if he took charge so he kept his mouth closed for the moment.

There was a silence between them untill justin broke it "Jass.."

She pulled her head towards his direction "yes?" she spoke softly.

He got up and pulled her into his arms
"Let me love you."

Sorry its short ill update soon tho

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