"Dont make it Hard"

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This chapter is dedicated to

ovoxo_justmine hope you enjoy

Justin's P.O.V.

Its been a week since me and jasmine talked every since that night at my roof top party and she left without as much as a goodbye kiss?

Okay maybe i did take things a little to far lasted night and i did over step my roll and i do feel sincerely bad about it, but i cant take it all back or do anything about it so.. now what?

She knew all about selena but how? I mean its not like its a big secret.

'Oh.. Fuck' i just realized what ive done ...

'I almost cheated on Selena. With Jas''

How could i be so dumb.. To? Ughhh.

Then it hit me .. Instagram! I quickly looked on mine and saw the picture of me and jasmine from lasted night before we went up the stairs oh.. God Then i checked my messages. And everything Saw from Selena.

From Sel❤:

Hello jay.. meet me at our place.

To Sel❤:


I didn't wait for a reply i walked out the door and towards my car getting in and driving down the road to me and Selenas place.


Jasmine's P.O.V.

I was laying down thinking of what happened yesterday with justin..

We were soo close to having sex but i had to say something about selena. I mean yes i wanted Justin and i to rekindle our relationship but He's gonna have to break up with selena. I dont play side rolls nor do i plann on it.

I got a tag on Instagram and i clicked on it

@Justin bieber's Instagram

(Act like the picture on the slide is the Instagram picture)

Caption: me and @jasminevillegas
Had a blast lasted night. I really do love that girl. ;)

I mentally slapped my self

"How'd this happen?" I thought.


Justin's P.O.V.

"If it's Not What it.. Looks like then why did you post it?" Selena yelled at me putting air quotes around the word (look)

"I Told You.. Jasmine came to the party because i invited her.. after the event in new york we talked over the phone and she agreed she'd come to my party thats all that happened i swear'' i said and selena shook her head

"Noo✋ you've done this countless times im done" she says standing up. I shrugged and walked over to my car getting in and driving to the one place id rather be.


I knocked on the door twices and then she opened it. Looking flawless as ever she smiled at me and said "come on in" and i did

We sat on her love seat in the living room

There was silences...

"Listen jas... we-" she cut me off

"I know.. we should but its too hard i don't wanna put up with drama especially not ex girlfriend drama. "

"Noo its not hard.." i said getting closer to her.

She sighed "yess it is hard..very hard"

I pushed jasmines body down on the coach and then i got on top of her so she couldn't move.

"Justin.."she cried and i bite my bottom lip.

Jasmine stared into my eyes as i spoke "Dont make it Hard." I whispered into her ear leaning in to kiss her lips softly when our lips touched i felt sparks all around us.

'This is the feeling i love to have ..this is real what me and jas have is real'

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