"Our pasted."

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Jasmine's P.O.V.

L.A.X 8:30 A.M. Saturday

I had just gotten back to California from New york where they had the Vma's.  I was excited because i can see everyone.

My phone vibrated and i looked down at the caller ID 'unknown'

I answered it "hello"

"Jas" the voice says back

"Who's this?" I say


"Ohh.. haha wassup?"

"Just now walking into my condo what ya doing?"

I grinned "L.A.X"

"Oh. Aye do you think you can come over my condo tomorrow im having a rooftop party and i just wanted you to know you're always invited."

Giggling i grinned again even though he couldn't see "sure..what time?"

"Actually it starts at about 10pm but just show up early. Like about 9"

"Okie dokie ill be there"

"Great!" Justin says a little to excited

"Haha. Yeah well justin ill see you tomorrow goodnight"


And with that we hang up i get into my car and the driver drives me over to Sarah's i missed her soo Much we haven't talked in about 4years since what happened ive heard that she's doing great and her and Christian got married .. and has a kid i smiled at the thought of sarah being a mom especially since she was Terrible with kids but ive always thought she'd be a great mom

The Driver pulled up to Sarah's house and then i got out and walked up to the house.

I knocked twice and stood there i noticed the lights come on and then the door flys open to reveal Sarah. 

"Hi.." i say smiling shyly

Sarah's eyes widen with complete shock "J..Jasmine!" She shouts out loud

I smiled "yea." She pulls me in and closes the door

"Oh godd. I missed you!! What brought you here i thought you were in NYC  at the Vma's After party " she said i smiled

"Nope" i say popping the 'p' "i just thought id stop by and say hi since i was on this side of town"

Sarah smiled "well im glad you did "she gets up and walked to the kitchen.

And i followed "Soo how are you Jas?" Sarah asked as we both sit at her bar

"Im actually alot better.. I've been worki-" sarah cuts me off with her hand

"No no.. i mean how are you REALLY feeling?" She said and i mentally slapped myself remembering this girl knows anything and everything there is about me and she knew if i was lying or not.

"Im.. not ok." I say

Sarah puts her hand on my cheek "Babe its okay to be like sad and upset about something and its OK to be hurt.. you dont always have to be strong its okay to cry." Sarah says

"Our Pasted.." i say sobbing thats when i broke down sarah held me into her arms and i cried more and more i just couldn't hold it all in i really needed to cry.

"Shh its okay let it out "sarah cooed into my ear stroking my hair as i cry harder

After crying i sat up and looked at sarah with a smile,

"Thank you" i say

She nodded and hugged me "NP ive missed you"

"Missed you too" i say simply i paused "i got back in contact with justin... and i forgave him but i don't know if we'll ever be back to what we were." I say

"I know.. but Just take it step by step what are you doin tomorrow night?" Sarah says

"Justin's rooftop party" i say standing up

Sarah did the same "Oh Youre going to.. Its like everyone has been talking about that."

I nodded "yeah. I guess they have nothing else better to do"

Sarah giggled "yeah i guess not. Hey can i come with you to this party.?" She says

I nodded "of course you can babe" i say

She smiled "ill get my dad to watch Chris. Me and Christian need a break you know." She says smiling

"Yeah.. i know that feeling." I say she smiled "well. I better get going ill see you tomorrow night just texts me ill be here" i say as me and sarah both walk to the door

"Thankss jas and thanks Again for coming to see me" sarah hugs me and kisses my cheek i missed her soo much

"Bye." i say  walking out the door

"Bye." Sarah says closing the door back

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