let me love you part 1

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"I just Dont understand why justin and you had that huge argument over nothing!" Christian yelled at me as him and sarah were currently in my living room.

"Look chris you can't just take Justin's side.. after all he did kill her unborn child" Sarah resorted back defending me.

"It wasn't intentionally."Christian said as he gazed at me "she kinda had it coming when she first got with justin. I mean she knew he had issues, And they're uncontrollable. This may not be my business but she got her self into this as soon as she signed on to the 'baby video' jas.. it was in his intentions to make it right with you to help the issues justin was .." Chris spoke with another pause as he shook his head and his gaze moved over to the floor. "He was devastated. I could always.. protect him. I really could but when it comes to you jasmine i can't.  You have him under your control like a Losted puppy you ruined My bestfriend. And the fact you're here now.. it's not helping this that fact that your hurting him and yelling and pushing him away.. its killing the inside of my friend jas it really is you both need to sit down and have a long talk about.  Your losted together cause only god knows if this were me and sarah.. god knows id be right there confronting her making her feel well.. even if i know im the cause of all of this.. jas he gets it he knows its his fault. And he knows that no matter what.. you're always his Flatline in the end your gonna be his.. Future his everything he can't escape you jas youre intoxicational. So go and be with him and talk to him" Christian spoke at his lasted words i was in tears and he and sarah were confronting me.

I stood up and headed towards the door

"Jas! Where are y-" Sarah was cut off by me closing the door.

I ran to my car and got in speeding down the road.


Justin's POV

I sat in the room taking in the cold thick air i thought about what jas said.

No justin more like you were having fun..

Justin i don't understand why you did that i mean after that one night at the hospital wasn't enough for you to Realize you've hurt me enough...

In Front Of YOU'RE house.. You beat me senseless because i wouldn't tell you what was goin on or NO MORE LIKE YOU ASSUMED I WOULDN'T TELL YOU..

BUT I WAS ABOUT TO.. do you realize what kind of pain you put me through physically .. Which caused A baby dying in the process.  Justin.. THAT'S FUCKED UP I ...I HATED YOU SO MUCH I WANTED TO SLAP YOU..

The words kept repeating in my head over and over again.

I hate you.

I hate you.

I hate you.

It hurt me to know i really hurt a person this much, noo i mean well i really do she has believe me.

I then felt liquid run down my cheeks i sighed great I'm crying

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the doorbell rung downstairs.  I quickly wiped my face and walked down the steps to the front door i opened it to see none other than Jasmine villegas standing right in front of me...

A/N : suprise!! I did a clifhanger which i NEVER do.. comment what you guys think and ill post part two.


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