"Acting like a real Couple Doesn't make us one"

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Jasmine's P.O.V.

"Jasminee!! Hurry up"justin shouted from down the stairs in my Condo.

"Im Coming'' i shouted back grabbing my purse and heading out of my room to the door.

Justin stood at the bottom Looking amazing as ever in nothing but swimming shorts that he of course sagged.

I stared at his toned abs i could have sworen i felt druel come from my mouth slightly just cleared his thoat snapping me outta my trace

"Take a picture it'll lasted longer." Justin said and i blushed he walked infront of me and Led the way towards the front door.

"Ladies first" justin say and i walk ahead of him.

"Thank you" i smiled slitely and he nodded and came behind me. We walked towards his car and got in.

Then we arrived at the beach and justin and i both got out i walked ahead of justin giggling to myself. And he chased after me and picked me up from behind.  Then justin started to head towards the water.  And i looked at him

"DON'T you d-" i yelled as he threw me into the ocean good thing i didnt have on my rob over this otherwise we'd have some serious problems. 

Justin laughed at me as i struggled at getting over towards him he then went under water i stopped a second and looked around. 

"Justin!" I said Looking around. And i couldnt see him anywhere i started to get worried .. what happened?

What if a shark Found him attractive and took him?

What if he drowned or something

What if he hit a rock in the driving deep.

What if he's Dead.  Then id be under investigation.

Thats When i panicked. 

"Justin!!" I scream as loud as i could when then i felt some thing grabb my legs and pull me Up into the air without any Warning i screamed so loud im sure the fish heard me.

I felt vibration on my back turning around i see a shirtless justin hold me in place while laughing his ass off.

I raised my eyebrows at him and he smirked i then raised my hand and slapped him across his face

I then spoke as he dropped me into the water "Thats what you get for Hurting me like that.!!" I yelled pushing Justin from grabbing me and walking up to shore.

I stumped my way up the shoreline and Then took a seat at the neatest part of the shore.

I could hear justin calling me from behind but i ignored him i didnt wanna talk not after what he just did.  You may all think im overreacting this hole thing but justin knows that im paranoid from the lasted time we saw eachother justin and i .. kinda got into it and he beat me .. even though it was certainly 8 years ago he and i both had ... Love for eachother we loved eachother alot and i guess it's just.. we were young but even though its was a while ago im still paranoid i losted something in that hole experience and i mean so did justin but im a girl and i wear my heart on my shoulders i take it personal and in this case Of Course i took it personal thats how deep my love is.

I sat nexts to the shoreline as justins calls had gotten closer to me ignoring him completely i put my hands into my face when  i looked up there Justin stood there staring at me he held out his hand for me to take it and i did standing up

"why'd you run off? I thought we were having fun back there" Justin asked

snorting i shook my head "No justin more like you were having fun.." i say and Justin raises his eyebrows in complete complete confusion

"Justin i don't understand why you did that i mean after that one night at the hospital wasn't enough for you to Realize you've hurt me enough..."I said shaking my head "In Front Of YOU'RE house.. You beat me senseless because i wouldn't tell you what was goin on or NO MORE LIKE YOU ASSUMED I WOULDN'T TELL YOU.." i say in tears now. Justin put his hand out to touch me but i backed up. "BUT I WAS ABOUT TO.. do you realize what kind of pain you put me through physically .. Which caused A baby dying in the process.  Justin.. THAT'S FUCKED UP I ...I HATED YOU SO MUCH I WANTED TO SLAP YOU.."I finished now i plumped into the cold sand and sobbed.

"We BOTH TOOK A LOSTED JAS.." justin whispers and i Sobbed louder to try and block out his voice "just .. this one time.  Just This ONE TIME. i thought we were finally BECOMING A REAL.. couple then you get into you're feelings and this happens and i end up being the bad guy.  You knew what it was when you first got WITH ME.!! YOU KNEW.. I WASN'T STABLE and im sorry i lashed out on you.. im So so sorry ive been a sorry asshole all this time and im sorry jaz.. i really am babe" Justin shouted causing me to stand up in his face and laugh out loud like the crazy person this boy makes me.

I put my hand out infront of me and justin gave me a look of confusion as i laughed harder.

"Acting like a real couple doesn't make us one" i say looking up at justin with a huge smile i then smirked and turned around walking off the beach towards the parking lot. I stopped and turned to say one lasted thing to justin "have.. a nice life babe"i say mimicking justin i then left the beach and called ariana to come get me.

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