14 | ily

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The early morning honking of the Espanya cars are engulfing the solitude. It's only six in the morning but the people of Spain are up and awake. 

Espanya has always been a precise place. Culture set on like a neoclassical period, art and music on every sight you can see. It's like coming to another dimension and it's mesmerizing each time.

Mesmerizing, a term Lisa grew familiar with ever since a certain brunette came back to shatter her principles once again. Mesmerized, a state of the woman infront of her, naked and asleep.

It has been days since Lisa and Jennie decided on things, things that are troublesome but keeps the heart fond. Three days to be exact. They both decided that they are a lovey dovey couple without minding the real situation back home.

Is this tragedy? Maybe it is.

"Jen, wake up. You need to transfer back to your room." Lisa whispered on the sleeping Jennie while caressing her exposed bare shoulder.

"Five minutes..." Jennie answered and reached out to pull the duvet up to cover their naked bodies.

"No, you need to go baby." she kissed the exposed neck.

"Ah fuck," Jennie opened her eyes and stood up with the duvet covering her breast down, "What time is it?"

"It's six, baby. Now go and change. I'll see you for breakfast. Okay?" Lisa said before standing up and embracing her nakedness and walking to the shower.

"Gosh, aren't you hot?" Jennie complimented before picking up Lisa's used shirt and slipping out to her room.

Thirty minutes after, Jennie sashayed her way to the restaurant on the lobby where most of the staffs are settled to eat. She spotted a seat beside her manager which was across Lisa. 

"What time did you wake up? You weren't answering me when I knocked earlier." her manager said.

"Oh, I was asleep maybe. Heavy sleeper, you know." Jennie chuckled nervously while Lisa grinned mischievously.

She stood up and grabbed her food when Lisa followed her to the buffet table with her infamous mischievous grin.

"Heavy sleeper, huh?" Lisa laughed.

"Shut up. You had me knocked out, idiot."

"What can I say?" Lisa chuckled proudly.

"Anyway, Rosie and Jisoo will arrive later. Jisoo called yesterday." Jennie said and they both returned to the table with food on hands.

"That's great. Will they be staying on our hotel as well?"

"Yes, I booked the room beside mine."

"Shoot, no sleepovers then?" Lisa complained.

"What, why?" Jennie asked puzzled.

Lisa leaned in to whisper, "Because you're loud. They might hear."

"You idiot!" some of the staff snapped their heads on the direction of the two which made Jennie chuckle nervously before saying, "Sorry. Our photographer is being such an ass."

Lisa rolled her eyes. After breakfast, they all rode the car and went to the designated shooting place for today. Lisa rode with Jennie and her manager, upon Jennie's request. Which made the manager shot in suspicion when the two are basically all cuddly inside.

"Okay, Jennie I am your manager and I think I deserve to know certain things about you. Especially ones that concerns your image. Am I right?" she said which caught the two's attention and Jennie nodded in agreement.

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