Mission #9 : Her New Life - ( 45 )

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Haven't done these in a while have I? After the previous chapter's angst, please enjoy this Eri fluff. 

Do I see ANOTHER Techno gif? 

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Do I see ANOTHER Techno gif? 



Eri woke up to the sight of a drooling Toga. The teen's blonde hair was out of their signature buns and laid on the bed in a messy way. The villain's limbs were thrown in what seemed to Eri like an uncomfortable position. Eri stayed still for a moment, listening to Toga's loud snores and basking in the light that began to stream out of the window. She sighed in content, she liked sleeping with Toga. The female was loud but gentle, and it was easy for her to fall asleep and not wake up in the middle of the night to nightmares haunting her. It was the same for Izu-nii, his calm breathing and warm aura surrounding her whenever she slept with him. Izu-nii barely moved in his sleep, and so if she slept in his arms, she would wake up in his arms as well. Unlike Izu-nii, Toga would move a lot when she slept and sometimes would even end up on the floor. But that was what made sleeping with Toga fun.

With a yawn, Eri pulled herself out of the small blanket cocoon that had formed around her overnight. The door had clicked a few minutes ago, signaling that it had been unlocked for the day. The moment her feet touched the ice-cold ground, she sprinted to the door and pushed the door open. She looked left and right, the hallway filled with light, before hearing sounds coming from the kitchen. With a wide smile on her chubby face, she skipped her way towards the noise. Her tired eyes grew bright at the sight of her favorite greenette preparing a bowl of what looked like cereal. With a quiet giggle, which Izuku totally heard but he allowed the girl to have her fun, she collided with his leg and wrapped her arms around it, hugging them tight.

"Good Morning Izu-nii!" Eri's red eyes were so bright Izuku almost felt like he needed sunglasses. Deku ran his eyes over the young girl that was now attached to his leg. Her hair was a mess and her clothes rumpled, clear signs that she had just woken up. Her eyes still had a tired look to them, and he smirked as she tried to stifle a yawn.

"Good Morning Eri! Had a good sleep with Toga?" Izuku asked her softly as he bent down to pick the girl up. He sat her on his arms, holding her to his side. He half listened as she rambled about the pleasant dream, she had last night, something that Izuku hated to say was rare. He hummed as he pushed the bowl of cereal, sans the milk, towards the center of the counter and made his way down the hallway, towards his room. The other villains were still asleep, as they always were. Neither Toga, Dabi nor Tomura were morning people, preferring the night sky than the morning dawn, and so they were still deep asleep inside their rooms.

Izuku laughed at something Eri had said about her dream, before pushing the door to his room open and entering the room, closing the door behind him. He placed the ivory haired girl onto his desk table before making his way to his closet. He pulled Eri's favorite red pinafore and white blouse out of the closet before setting it beside the girl. Eri giggled before using her older brother like a ladder and climbed her way to the ground. Upon seeing the freckled teen's pout, she smiled widely, grabbed her clothes and went to the bathroom to shower.

"Scream if you need help!" At Eri 's "UHUH", Izuku fell back onto his back and stared at the white painted ceiling. His arms were crossed over his stomach. He shut his eyes for a moment, needing a moment to prepare himself for the day. It's almost become a routine. Wake up, make something to eat before Eri inevitably appears, get her ready and dressed, feed her, deal with the other three children he lives with and then wait for Kacchan to come and walk with them to class. He smiled; he definitely preferred this life than the one he had before. The sound of running water slowly came to a stop and silence once more engulfed the room. Before once more, loud rustling came from the bathroom and Izuku was pretty sure he heard something crash onto the ground. Swinging open violently, Eri dashed out of the bathroom, dressed with wet hair trailing behind her, dampening her white blouse and pinafore. Izuku sat up with an endeared smile and reached for the towel that he threw onto his chair only an hour ago. She skidded. To a stop in front of him and felt a towel dropped onto her head before it was furiously scrubbed dry.

Giggles filled the room before the young girl sprinted out of Izuku's room, narrowly avoiding slamming straight into the door, before heading down the hall to wake the rest of the villains from their slumber. Izuku smirked and made his way to the kitchen, enjoying the shrieks and groans that echoed their way through the dorm. He returned to his abandoned bowl of cereal and finally pulled the milk out of the fridge and poured the milk in. He hummed calmly to himself, shoveling cereal into his mouth, as one by one, the villains entered the room. A few moments prior, the greenette had laid the cereal, milk and a pile of bowls and spoons out on the table for the rest to feed themselves with.

Toga burst into the room with Eri screaming in her arms and her hair out of their usual buns. The two were cackling their butts off before taking a seat at the table. Izuku helpfully poured Eri a bowl and laughed as the two females inhaled the bowls of cereals that were laid in front of them. Dabi slowly but surely devoured his bowl whereas Shiggy was dead asleep on the table, bowl discarded beside him. Izuku smiled, he never was the best at waking up, was he?

Breakfast was confused and the villains wrestled themselves into their uncomfortable uniforms. Eri greeted Aizawa and Kacchan the moment the door opened, hugging Bakugo's legs immediately. The normally violent teen rolled his eyes and tenderly picked the girl up into his arms. He then turned to the room and began shouting at the other villains to "HURRY THE FUCK UP" before repositioning Eri to his waist. With a smile, Eri leaned her head against the blonde's shoulder, enjoying the chaos that happened every morning. Eri hummed happily, she liked her new life. 


Im going to finish this book even if it kills me istg.  Even if no one reads this, I will fucking finish this. 

I actually have exams in May so the majority of my attention is being redirected to that so if updated become sparse or shitty, that's why. 


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