Aizawa's Suspicions - ( 41 )

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To be honest, I forgot I had a book to write. Thats why I didn't post last week so I apologise. This chapter is a maybe filler, not sure but I ramble a lot in it. I still hope you enjoy it though.

 I still hope you enjoy it though

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My Finals are over and my holidays are next week POV

Unlike the other 3 villains, Shigaraki wore his quirk suppressors on his wrists. They were bands, similar to the ones that wrapped around the others' necks but instead they wrapped around both his wrists. Shigaraki tense shoulders physically loosened as the bands were put on him, the red light blinking as it turned on. He sighed and dropped his arm from where he held it and left it hanging in front of him. Shigaraki stared as police officers and heroes alike rushed across the room, back and forth as they made preparation to transport him to UA. Several heroes were called in, not only the ones that worked in UA, and the teen couldn't help but think that maybe this was a bit overkill. Then he'd remember about All for One (his Master) and think, "Maybe not."

The villain watched as mounds of paperwork was filled out by a very efficient (and slightly terrifying) Nezu. He quietly nodded and answered any questions that were thrown at him, especially to the short, greying nurse who checked him over for wounds. His mind still didn't process that he had just been admitted to a hero school instead of just being shoved into a prison and it seemed he was stuck in a state of shock. Shigaraki slowly turned and looked out of one of the multiple windows that decorated the front of the police station. The sky was dark, the moon on full display in the night sky. Tree were changing in colour and a chilly breeze was sweeping through Japan. October was nearing its end, November just around the corner. A gentle smile made its way onto Shigaraki's dry face as he stared out the window.

Eraserhead glanced at the villain from where he stood, waiting for the rest of the heroes to arrive at the station. They weren't too far from UA however they were transporting All for One's treasured protégé, better be too careful than underestimate one of the strongest villains in the world. The teen was sitting quietly in the corner of the precinct, a faraway gaze in his eyes. His hands were clasped together, his quirk posing no risk. Shigaraki's blue, stringy hair framed his face and casted a shadow over the left side of his face. In his hands, he held one of many hands that used to cover his frame. The rest had been confiscated as evidence and be buried at the respective person's empty graves at a later date. The teen seemed to slowly drift back into reality, pulling his gaze from outside and looking around the room once more.

Aizawa felt bad for the teen, just as he did for the other villains. They had been dealt unlucky cards from birth and it wasn't their fault for straying into villainy. The underground hero sighed quietly; he had a lot of time to think about the group of teenage villains that the school had basically adopted. There was a pattern: all the villains had become villains because of their quirk, one way or another, their quirks had led to their downfall. All of them, except a certain Izuku Midoriya.

The teen's telekinesis quirk that he claims to have should have been accepted by society, late bloomer or not and even so the quirk doctor should have recognized that he had a quirk. So why was he registered as quirkless? He looked deeper into the villain a few months ago, discovering that the quirk doctor that Inko Midoriya met to determine her child's quirk was not in fact real, registering him as quirkless and never appearing in a hospital again. That in itself raised a red flag for the hero (and principal who was also there for some reason). Not to mention the fact that the green haired teen had lied about his telekinesis quirk. Then, a child appeared, who also had a incredibly powerful quirk and has the yakuza after her, and claimed that "Deku the Villain" was basically her big brother. It made the hero want to bash his head into a wall. Aizawa could basically write a book about all the things he had discovered about the last living Midoriya these past few months. Not to mention the other villains. He could probably write a whole trilogy.

Aizawa let out another sigh, louder this time, and drew the attention of a few officers that were around him. He waved his hand tiredly, dismissing their confused looks and returned his gaze back to the blue haired villain. Red met red and the two locked eyes. They were on opposite sides of the room, but their eyes still managed to meet. Minutes ticked by as the two stubbornly refused to break their gazes. Eventually, Present Mic came barreling into the room, knocking into his long-time best friend. The blonde hero happily chattered to his best friend, ignoring the annoyed grimace on the other hero's face. He sighed, just a few more minutes. Then, he could go home (preferably without the blonde that's talking to me).

Shigaraki, or was it Shimura now, was exhausted. He had been warped into UA's stadium, talked to his best friends after months of no contact, arrested by a, in his opinion, unneeded number of heroes before getting shoved into an interrogation room, given multiple heart attacks and in a few minutes, he would be jostled into a van, with, once again, an unseemly number of heroes guarding the van, to see his future classmates and friends. He scratched his neck, aggravating the wounds that were slowly healing. The villain leaned his head up, staring into the ceiling once more. His mind ran wild, and he found himself wondering how Kurogiri was doing, did his Master punish him, what happened after he was arrested? Kurogiri was always there for him, through thick and thin. Hell, he was there for all of them. From the moment the terrible trio arrived, Kurogiri had watched their backs and took care of them in a way that all of their parents couldn't. God, Shigaraki prayed that nothing happened to him.

Maybe God hated him, or maybe he had a fortune telling quirk because just as Shigaraki finished that thought, a shrill scream came from deeper inside the building. The teen's already pale face seemed to completely lose any colour it had, and his eyes widened as he saw what exactly had caused the sound. The room seemed to erupt with noise, heroes and as well as police screaming and shouting but all of that seemed to fade into the background. There in the middle of the precinct was an alarmingly large puddle of blood, red and glistening and totally something Toga would like. What caused Shigaraki to freeze though was what lay in the puddle. It was covered in splatters of blood, on the inside where there shouldn't be any blood. The metal reflected the red puddle it sat in, making it seem like the entire thing was covered in the liquid. Shigaraki felt like throwing up. There, in the centre of the puddle was a familiar, metal neck brace.


i-im sorry for whoever that neck brace belongs to. If you know who it is, you know. If you don't  i'm sorry. 

How would you guys feel if I just ended the story like "Then he went to UA and the 4 villains lived happily ever after. Not forgetting of course that AFO magically disappeared into oblivion!"

Kidding, kidding.... but maybe.

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