Sick - ( 3 )

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  Writing this before going somewhere without wifi so yay. I'm probably going to be writing a few drafts so yeah. If not, I'm procrastinating.

This chapter is shorter for obvious reasons. I'm continuting it in 1st POV bcus the more I write in it, the more comfortable I get.

 I'm continuting it in 1st POV bcus the more I write in it, the more comfortable I get

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"Maybe slamming my head on a metal table twice wasn't such a good idea."


Izuku's POV

Waking up in a room that was 1, comfortable and 2, not a prison cell was one of the things I did not expect after blacking out. The familiar pain that situated itself on my forehead was a sign that told me that it was not 'All a dream' like I had previously been hoping for. Instead, the reality of being captured and forced to attend a hero school crushed me. 'Is Kacchan there? Probably.' I let out a frustrated huff and pushed my body into a sitting position with my forearms.

I was in the room alone. Toga and Dabi was probably being held in their own separate rooms; the smartest move the heroes have made so far in our capture. I looked around the room and much like the previous room I had woken up in, after passing out in front of the pros, the room radiated a 'YOUR TRAPPED' energy. There were no windows, the door (from what I could see from my bed) was covered with several, high-tech locks and quirk supressers. The cupboards, though a plain white colour, were filled with multiple books ranging from storybooks to study material that they use at UA. 'Is this my room?'

My hands gripped the blanket that was draped over my legs. There were bandages tightly wrapped around my arms. Why were they injured? I looked to my right and there stood a plain wooden desk : one of the only things in the room that was not white. On it, a forest green table lamp was tucked into a corner of the desk. The bulb was lit, weirdly, and it's light shone onto a tall pile of paper. There on top of the pile, a neatly folded note lay.

Kicking the blanket off of me, I jumped off the bed and nearly stumbled when I stood up. A sharp pain shot through my head as I rushed to the desk. My hands desperately grasped the edge of the desk as my legs struggled to keep me up. 'Why can't I stand up properly?!'  Panic began to rise and I struggled to breathe. Forcing my incoming meltdown down I grabbed the note and hastily opened the thing. I took a deep breath and waited a few seconds for my heartbeat to settle.

For when you wake up,

Dear Izuku Midoriya,

  You and the rest of your friend have each been placed into separate rooms, all decked with textbooks and, what we hope, is a comfortable living space. If you still haven't noticed, your room has a fully stocked bathroom connected to it.

  At this, I looked up to see a pure white door that easily merged into the wall. The only way that I knew it was a door, was the fact that the doorknob wasn't white. I placed the note back onto the desk and madr my way to the hidden door. Pushing it open, the strong scent of bathroom hit me. ( a/n - The special smell in bathrooms. Is it only me or...) Dismissing the room as ordinary, I turned my attention back to the note.

Unlike you, your friends have already woken. Tommorrow will be your first day at UA. While you wait, please make yourself at home in this room.

Principal of Yuuei Highschool / UA High

Sighing, I placed the note down and finally looked down at the clothes I was wearing. What I expected was for myself to be wearing my villain costume but looking down, I saw myself wearing a pair of white cotton pyjamas. 'How long have I been here and who changed my clothes?'  Two very intelligent questions asked by my probably concussed brain.

Out of nowhere, a dizzy spell hit me and I slowly stumbled back on to the bed they had provided. Squeezing my eyes shut in attempt to quell the incoming headache thats bound to come, my hands eventually found themselves clutching my head. A thin layer of sweat formed on my skin as more time went by. I clenched my teeth in attempt to redirect my focus awah from the pain in my brain. I inhaled an unsteady breath as tears of pain began forming. Black splotches appeared in my vision but my body refused to let myself pass out. I collapsed onto my bed, taking deep breaths. I heard the locks on the door unlock as multiple footsteps headed towards me. 'Who -?'


Oof. Thats sucked but at least we're finally nearing the part where they actually go to UA. Any idea on what's happening to our little baby Izu? I also have a headache so 👌.


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