To do: □ Roki - ( 8 )

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So... I asked if you guys wanted a ship last chapter and lets just say, I got some mixed responses. So, to let everyone enjoy the story, I'll leave it as it is. Even so, I would like to get some experience writing before writing romance into my story. I hope this decision satisfies everyone.

Also, we've finally reached it. It's only taken us 7 chapters but thats nothing. This is probably the longest someone has taken to reach the rehab part of their rehab stories. Oof.

Also I dont know what that title is but I was laughing for 10 full minutes after seeing that in an insta post. Im so sorry.

Aww, isnt that cute

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Aww, isnt that cute.


3rd POV

  Worried was the word that summarised the class's feelings. Why? Bakugo Katsuki was smiling. Not a smirk or a grin, a full on smile that stretched from ear to ear. Not only that, despite the class doing the things that usually annoyed him, he never blew up. Not once did the smile falter. It wasn't only him that put the class on high alert. Their homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa, the man famed for never being late, was late. By a full 30 minutes even but no matter what they were forced to wait, fidgeting in their seats for their teacher to come.

  The villains weren't doing much better either. What's so enjoyable about being stuffed into UA uniforms and being practically shoved out of their rooms with cuffs put tightly on their wrists? All three put up a resistance to the uniform and even though this was only rehabilitation for the villains, they couldn't just allow them to walk around in casual clothes. They were a prestigious school weren't they.

  Normally, it would take roughly 5 to 10 minutes to walk, even at an incredibly slow pace, to the UA classrooms. However, because of the villain's refusal to follow instructions, it took half an hour. With the combined effort of Eraserhead, Present Mic and Midnight, they were able to drag all three problem children to the door of the 2-A classrooms. It was a struggle to say the least.

  When Aizawa entered the class, he was met with the sight of a silent class : something that only happened once every blue moon. He immediately knew that they were waiting for an explanation for A) him being late and B) why Bakugo was overly hyper and tolerable that day. So, he was forced to explain the situation to the students and lets just say, some did not take it well. Not well at all.

  Apparently, they didn't trust the teens enough to stand in the hallway alone and they were quick to be proven correct by them. Not even 10 minutes after the sleep deprived man left, they began to launch themselves at eachother. They did this all with restraints on their wrists and it definitely wasn't a fun expreience for the pros to seperate them.

  Shouts could be heard by the villains standing awkwardly outside the classroom. It came so suddenly that Toga yelped and fell onto the floor,in the process, gracefully landing on her ass. The other two broke in giggles and the heroes watching them stared, already done with all the dumbass things they had to endure on the way here. While the villains were busy doing whatever they were doing, the heroes desperatly waited for the door to open and for Aizawa to show.

Villain Rehab at UAWhere stories live. Discover now