《 Before We Begin 》

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Welcome to my first ever book! This is the first time I have ever tried to write anything so I'm still quite new to this (even though I'm writing this while this book has like 36 chapters).

I orginally never had a welcome chapter because I never saw a need for it but from the overwhelming amount of people being confused on certain chapters or some facts not fitting, I've decided to make this.

Yes, there is another one of these sone chapters into this book but thats more about facts about the canon that I've changed up and stuff. This one is really about the chapters themselves and certain headcanons I have about the universe.

Note: this is a fanfiction. I guess you can even call this an AU but I have actually no idea. So yeah, some things wont match up to canon.

Now then, let the explanations begin!

1) The way I've "organized" my chapters are kinda weird. There are different arcs and side stories mixed into the main plot and those stories are marked clearly in the titles. I left them in the order i posted them so you really do have to see the title to know if some things are part 2s to other chapters. A lot of people are confused about this so pay attention.

Chapters with "Mission #" in their title are daily life chapters that may link into the main plot but most of the time they dont.

Chapters with only a title are the main plot so if you only want to read the plot, skil to these chapters.

Chapters with "Special:" in their title was an idea I had, kinda like a what if scenario. It was a fun little project for me but it did confuse a lot of people.

2) Dabi is a Todoroki in my story. Though I changed his age so he was born a year before Shoto. So yes, he is no longer the oldest Todoroki, throw that thought out your mind right now.

3) Somebody in the comments asked why Toga was really strong and this is the asnwer:

"Ah I guess its kinda like a headcannon of mine that since humans evolve to have quirks, the human body evolved as well. So that would mean that even quirkless people could be strong if they trained enough and because Toga's a villain, she wouldve had to train a lot and so she's super strong. But like thats what i think anyway."

So please don't ask me why Toga is a literal powerhouse.

4) When I started this story, all I had was a vague idea and even now, 36 chapters in, I am still winging it. So if there are inconsistencies, I apologize. This is still my first ever book and I'm still not really used to it. This book is kinda like an experiment for me and I was so surprised people actually read and like the stuff I post.

5) There are no ships! There is a poll inside the book where I ask if you would like shils and honestly, so many people comment on it STILL despite the fact that we are on chapter 40 and that was like chapter 7! So, I forgot to add this at first but this book has NO SHIPS!

That's pretty much it! Thank you so much for picking up this book and I hope you enjoy this book!


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