15. Let's Get Ready To Rumble

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Mooney snarled and raced straight towards the person who kicked him off

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Mooney snarled and raced straight towards the person who kicked him off. That singular event turned the whole situation from 'barely controllable' to 'are you freaking kidding me'.

There were about fifty odd people in the hall and a fight between all of them would be collosal. Speaking of collosal, the older gentleman who had been bitten by Mooney expanded to thrice his size and was over fifteen feet tall. Even that didn't manage to dissuade Mooney as he leapt into the air before being caught by this giant. The rest of the crowd began pushing, shoving one another. I needed to find a way to control the situation.

"Omar, you know these people better than I do. Who are the most dangerous among them," I asked.

"You see that feeble old man in the corner who is ambling towards the center of the commotion," Omar said.

"That describes almost all of them," I said.

"Green top-hat, walking stick," he said.

"Right," I said.

"He is the first one we need to stop. If he gets to the center of the hall, we are all done for," he said.

"Well, what's stopping you. Go stop him," I said.

"No way, I am not even going close to the man," he said.

"How dangerous is he? Did the old man scare the big green croc monster?" I asked.

"No, that's not it -" he trailed off, as the old man suddenly picked up pace and ran towards the center of the crowd while flailing his walking stick. He yelled out a shrill war-cry and dropped his dentures in the process.

"Nooooo!" Omar yelled before he leapt towards the old man and caught hold of him. He had wrapped his arms around the, now screaming, kicking, and for some reason, biting without having teeth, old man.

The boy wizard who had been observing from the sidelines spoke, "Do not let the old man raise his arms."

Meanwhile the giant had turned towards the crowd. The jock ran towards him and said, "Hey, why don't you pick on someone your own size, Dad."

As he raced towards the giant, the jock shrunk to the size of a dormouse.

"Oh man, I shrank. Not again," the jock said.

Meanwhile the giant had turned away from the crowd and looked at his tiny son.

"My own son is a watcher. It is about time I disciplined you Storm," he spoke as he chased his son around.

The giants movements were slow while his tiny son was running circles around him. Between the jock Storm and Master Mooney, the Giant was sufficiently preoccupied. The most dangerous of the old folk was being restrained by Omar and Paviraa and Mary had held Lucy captive, and more importantly, silent. Anita was conveniently knocked out. It was between me and the Boy wonder Jason, to stop the rest of them.

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