14. The Tipping Point

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"What?" Lucy asked

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"What?" Lucy asked.

"Paviraa, you know her right?" I asked.

"I have seen her somewhere," Paviraa said.

"Yes, that's right, you have. But where?" I asked.

"Well, I have seen her, I am certain of that," she said.

"You remember right, the last time —" Lucy said.

"Nope," I said, interrupting her, "Anita, cover her mouth, don't allow her to speak another word."

Anita senses the urgency in my voice and did did it immediately.

"Go on. Paviraa, where have you seen her?" I asked.

Paviraa looked confused. "I can't remember," she said.

"I thought so," I said.

"How does that prove anything?" Mary asked.

"I remember the first time I met Lucy. I had had a very tough day and that was when I very conveniently stumbled upon her. In a city like Mumbai where no one has a spare second, this person was sitting in a garden looking at me fallen asleep. She initiated the conversation and when I seemed slightly reluctant, she said the words 'You can trust me' and immediately I was disarmed. I did trust her then and spoke to her. More than I would have with someone else I first met," I said.

Omar asked, "But is that enough evidence?"

"Ofcourse it isn't, but the murders started soon after she was brought here. That was reason number two. Unfortunately I was too blind and 'trusted' her. Which is why I didn't immediately have her as one of the suspects. The main reason why I came to this conclusion is because of something she told you when we first came here," I said.

"Something she told me?" Omar asked.

"Yes. When we first came to this hall and you introduced yourself to her. You gave her your name for the first time and asked if she remembered you and she said 'ofcourse'. But you didn't know her when you first helped me get her to Alkapuri. Also she was unconscious when we brought her and there was no way for her to know you, yet she said 'ofcourse' like she did," I explained.

"Oh. Right," Omar understood.

"And that's not all," I said, "Her behavior since she came with Anita was even more suspicious. It seemed like she was feeding her with words. Everytime I asked her a question, she was in doubt till Lucy 'told' her that she was sure of it."

"I noticed that as well," Paviraa said.

"Finally, to confirm my doubt," I said, "I asked if you had seen Master Mooney wearing his blue blazer. Again Anita was in doubt, but you made her believe your lies."

"But how can you say that she is lying, that she didn't see Master Mooney wear a blazer," Paviraa asked.

"Mooney will answer that," I said.

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