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Years in the future Anna would consider this day one of her biggest regrets, accepting The Black Heretic's help into that carriage and not staying at the inn for a few more weeks until she could get to the capital by herself. Whenever she sat in a dark room, or felt alone she'd think back on it, then berate herself for being so naive. At the time, when she waved off Olga, Dima and Emerens, she couldn't imagine what would happen in the following years. Sure, she'd considered the worst, but she never came close to predicting what actually took place.

The Black Heretic was a strong presence, he loitered after Anna as they were about to leave instead of checking everything was ready. He'd asked where her belongings were, offered to pay any debt she owed Emerens, he even gave her one of his cloaks so she'd stay warm. Anna tried to make her departure short, she whispered small thanks to Olga and Emerens, and kissed Dima on his head. As she'd assumed he would, Igor didn't come to say goodbye.

When it was time to leave, halfway between two and three bells, The Black Heretic gave Anna his hand and helped her into his carriage. He'd told her that along the ride to Os Alta he'd like to go through some of plans he had in place, although it shouldn't take long and she'd be able to spend most of the time relaxing. As the snow had ceased falling the day before, and the temperature was fine, most of the snow was beginning to melt, and with luck they'd be in the capital for six bells.

The carriage was emblazoned with the royal crest, a double eagle, and was on loan from the King himself; the interior was unlike any carriage Anna had been in before (and she'd been in some carriages,) the entire interior was coaxed in deep red velvet, except for a small table built into the middle, which was the same black of the carriage itself. It exuded luxury, and Anna thought that if she was going out, at least it was in style.

The fear was still residing in the back of her mind, she could think of absolutely no way in which the darkness could have been a trick or an illusion, but maybe he was still a corrupt man who was planning to extradite her to Fjerda or the Wandering Isle, or maybe he'd do worse things on their carriage ride.

He settled in on the bench opposite her, his black leathers were back on and he was wearing a matching cloak to Anna. They jostled as the carriage lurched into motion, Dima waving her off frantically as he ran beside them. Black lace curtains trapped most of the sunlight from the outside, making what remained of it fall in web-like paisley patterns across the floor and their laps. Slowly, carefully, Anna extended her hand to her knee and traced the waning crescent of sunlight, trying not to draw attention to herself, even though, to him, she was the only thing to pay attention to.

The man watched her ease her fingers across her legs, she was so contented by the shapes he feared he'd accidentally employed a child who had the body of a young lady. Despite the simplicity of it she looked completely at peace, as if she'd been locked in the dark for so long she'd forgotten what light was. He knew what it was like to be locked in the dark of course, battling your way out, so he continued to watch as she marvelled at the shapes, because at one point he'd yearned to do something similar too.

The afternoon laboured on, no words were spoken, no eye contact was made. Anna settled in her seat, pulling the midnight cloak around her body to protect her from the outside world. Her eyes closed, and behind them she felt safe. If everything went the way she was told it would, she'd never have reason to be fearful again. All she'd do is help run a school for adults with magical powers, and she imagined she could do that in her sleep. Although she had no desire to sleep, her energy was peaking, and she could hardly control her anticipation to see the capital.

"Anna." His soft voice rang out. It enveloped her and the small carriage, stirring her out of her stupor. She was too comfortable behind her pale eyelids to move an inch, so she let out an undignified murmur of recognition at his summons.

The Starry Sky - A Darkling/General Kirigan PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now