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- 3 Years Later -

Anna closed the red book in her lap, shifting her silk Kefta around her as she uncrossed her legs. The inside of the schoolhouse was as bright as the day outside, circles and triangles being cast on the floor from the afternoon sun, catching on the group of children who were sat crossed legged, watching Anna intently. As she shut the book a chorus of children's complaints filled the air, begging for another story, despite having heard five that day already. As she rose to her feet Anna laughed, the children too rising around her in a cloud Corporalki red, Etherealki blue and Materialki purple.

Anastasia, the tallest by inches, was the closest to Anna, and begged profusely, "Please, just one more!"

"I've read them all." Anna shrugged, handing her the book back, the golden detailing flashing in the light. The smallest child, a four year old named Borya, was holding onto Anastasia's hand, but made a grab for Anna's hem as she moved away. Anna looked down at the boy, who was wrapped tightly in his amethyst coat, and ruffled his mousy hair gently. "What's wrong, Borya?"

He didn't say anything, but yanked again on Anna's Kefta. Behind them, the other children were being led out of the building by the teachers, so they could play in the sun, leaving only her, Borya and Anastasia in the room. Carefully, Anna knelt, knowing that she was going to be late meeting with Aleksander regardless of whether or not she stayed to comfort Borya. Anastasia watched on, keenly. She was getting old enough to go and spend her days in the Fabrikator's workshop, but still preferred to stay with the little ones, only leaving to do combat training, or meet with Baghra

"Borya," Anna cooed, "you have to go outside and play." His hair wavered as he shook his head, pressing his body into Anna's arms. Since the school had been set up, a little over two years prior, more than 30 children had joined. At first a lot of them were scared, as they were leaving their parents for the first time, often to never see them again. This detachment prompted a lot of them to rely on the teachers or Anna for comfort, as they were the adults they saw the most. It probably didn't help that Anna primarily read stories to them, whether in the day or at night when they couldn't sleep. She was the closest thing to a mother that those children had, and if it meant that they relied on her for affection, so be it. Anna wasn't planning on going anywhere.

"Borya," Anastasia started, matching the lilt of Anna's voice. "I can read to you." This caused the boy's face to light up. Over the months Anna had learned that children were very good at putting on shows to get what they want, and that often they didn't really care about who gave it to them. Anastasia cradled her copy of 'The Lives of Saints', rewritten and illustrated by Anna, then replicated by the Grisha to give to the children in the school. It had been Anastasia's stubbornness that got her the book she was holding to her chest like a baby, even more so that every child had one. Anna knew that most of them just thought they were children's stories. Fair enough. She wasn't going to drag all 30 of them to church.

"I can leave you to it?" Anna asked Anastasia.

"Of course." Anastasia smiled.

"Good. I'll pop back in later." She gave both children a quick kiss on the head and began to make her way around the lake to the Little Palace. The heat of summer was sweltering, making Anna sweat through her black Kefta so often that most of the time she just kept it off, or wore it off her shoulders like a cape. Aleksander seemed to cope with it significantly better, which was made even more odd as he was as pale as snow. Anna resolved to make him go outside more, at least then he wouldn't look like such a ghost when he stood next to her. Anna was taking a specific route, so best to avoid the Tidemakers and Squallers, who practically lived on the banks of the lake, seeing who could overpower the other group the easiest. It was times like those, watching the blue-robed figures hurl themselves at each other that she regretted making Aleks hire a combat instructor.

The Starry Sky - A Darkling/General Kirigan PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now