Anakin padawan - you save his life (request)

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You are on the planet of nabbo with your master, Ashoka and the senator padamo once again there as tension in the air between the humans and gungans. It seem to be an usual problem with both sides having issues and every time you have, tried to get them to talk to each other it worked and later on failed.

Padamo " I'm sorry to call all of you here again but tension are growing once again"

Anakin " it okay senator we have gotten use to deal with debates and it better then fight nasty bugs"

Ashoka " after the last battle with bugs I think we are all fine with be away from them for a while"

Y/n " I agree with Ashoka almost getting taken away  I don't ever want to see a flying bug for while" everyone started laughing.

Y/n " ........."after everyone was done laughing at you soon enough you all headed to the meeting area in the swaps, while walking threw the swaps you could sense the tension and something else as well. You were going to wait until you fully knew what was happing.

Y/n " what could be happening" Ashoka was walking around with some troopers while you were standing by anakin and padamo side.

Y/n " troopers keep you guard up there might be some issue showing up soon"

Troopers " yes commander" you soon saw three Hooded creatures walking to padamo and anakin and, you soon start waking faster you knew something was the matter.

Y/n "master get down"

Hooded 1 " death to the senator and the jedi" all three hooded people started shootings and you soon pushed anakin out of the way, you soon get hit hard and fall onto the ground. You lift up you hand to see blood one it and soon your version become very blurry.

Anakin " y/n stay awake don't close your eyes"

Y/n " master"

Anakin " get me a medic now" you soon had blackout but the last few things you saw was anakin standing over you with some medics. You had soon opened your eyes hours later to see you were on the ship in the medical room anakin, and Ashoka ran over to you.

Ashoka " you are awake we were worried back there"

Y/n " sorry to worry you two"

Anakin " I'm just happy to see you are well and we caught the three assassins, they had some issues with the senator"

Ashoka " padamo would of been here but he deal with what happened and asking for answers"

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