Plo koon padawan - pong krell hits you (request)

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Once again you and your master are doing a team up mission with another Jedi master, you had never thought it will be jedi master pong krel until her walked off his ship. You had never meet the man before until now but you did hear many stories about him, from other Jedi knights/master and clones. You didn't know the whole truth about pong krell until, it came to battles.

Y/n " master krell"

Pong krell " yes padawam l/n"

Y/n " I think we should allow the time some time to rest and eat before we decide to take back more of the land, we don't have to win everything back so quickly we have to give the senators time to make peace sir"

Pong krell " padawan just because you are master plo koon padawan, you don't have much a say when it comes to how I work things .... but fine the man get to rest but if anything happens is all on you young lady"

Y/n " understood master" you soon walked away from master pong krell, and you soon ran into the wolf pack everyone was looking tried and hungry.

Y/n " you can all rest and eat but keep your guard have a few of the many take shifts guarding everyone, while others sleep and eat"

Stinker " sure kiddo" Soon everyone broke out into groups and you were looking over some data, hoping you could find something to prove yourself to master pong krell. Soon you see someone holding a extra plate of food you soon see it Wolfe .

Wolfe " hey kiddo how are you doing ... I brought out something to eat everyone said you hadn't eaten all day"

Y/n " thank Wolfe" you soon take the plate of food and place the data pad in your lap, and stated eating the food while Wolfe sat down right next to you.

Wolfe " what the matter kid"

Y/n " I don't think I'm doing a great move with master krell he keeps on speaking down to me"

Wolfe " don't worry kid we know you are best we have here"

Y/n " thanks Wolfe"

Pong krell " padawan why you are sitting down and having a meal when you should be working, we are way behind time because of you asking for a rest... for these troopers who don't need it at all"

Y/n " I'm sorry sir I was ...."

Pong krell " don't a quick answer padawan and get the man ready we are leaving"

Wolfe " sir the commander is doing a great job but she is still a kid no matter what"

Pong krell " trooper mind your own business now come one and hurry up padawan"

Y/n " yes master krell" soon everyone was moving once again and soon a battle broke out but krell decided to say out of it, you were not going to leave the men to fight alone you stood there fighting with them. When the battle had ended a many troopers were dead and you were blamed and mad at krell how dare he just stand back and not help.

Y/n " master krell now dare you just stand there and not help you are suppose to help your troopers, not use them as bait"

Pong krell " how dare you speak to me like at child I can do whatever I wish and want"

Y/n " as long as I'm here sir I won't allow you to kill any of these men who are more of hero then you" everyone got silent and soon all their eyes were on you.

Y/n " I hope I never become like you sir because if o don I should not be a Jedi anymore"

Pong krell " hold you tongue child"

Y/n " my master has always told me to speak my mind and I shall and I'm glad you are and never will be on hen council" out of now where pong krell and punched your hard knocking you to the floor, he soon picked you up and tossed your towards the wall hard.

Wolf pack " kid"

????? " krell" soon pong krell was now facing a mad plo koon, the wolf pack had ran over to you and you were trying to get up but you were told to stay down. You could see plo koon fights pong krell but soon enough plo koon and won and had krell arrested.

Days later

Ashoka " did you hear krell had been arrested and taken to that jedi prison"

Y/n " yeah when I got out of med bay I was told by plo koon and the wolf pack"

Ashoka " what you did was great y/n you finally put that fool in his place"

Y/n " thanks and I'm happy I didn't get in much trouble with the council" The council was not mad but they wanted to make sure you were okay, which you were and plo kook made sure you had time off for a week.

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