Plo koon padawan - training under him ( request)

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The jedi council had allowed plo koon to take you on a training trip because he had thought you should be learning some new light sabers and force skills at you could use in battle. So now you are sitting in a cave with master Plo Koon during a sand storm on the plant, which was half jungle and half desert.

Y/n " ......."

Plo koon " young one what do you sense in the force of this planet"

Y/n " I will conflict when it comes to this planet between the people of the desert and the jungle"

Plo koon " good what else do you sense"

Y/n " the planet being able to maintain both climate of the planet like they are equals"

Plo koon " great this planet is where most jedi with take their padawans to help with their force abilities"

Y/n " master I sense something is wrong .... I feel a sense of angry and geed coming out way"

Plo koon " which way are they coming from y/n"

Y/n" they are about to walk into this cave and he will try to take a strike at you wishing to kill you" soon your version was proven right when the group of pirates came running into the cave, you were not able to fight because you were in deep mediation state. Even you own master could not bring you out of this state with out damaging you.

Y/n " master don't act them the planet will save us from danger" plo koon soon saw vines warp around the pirates and knock them out cold.

Plo koon " you seem to bring yourself closer to the force while being on this planet"

Y/n " yes master it fills with the force is in everything on this planet leading to many conflicts"

Plo koon " remember young one you can use the force to but you to remember you can't fully go there yet"

Y/n " yes master"

Plo koon " come along young one we have a few more planets to see at will help your with your training"

Y/n " coming master what about the pirates"

Plo koon " their crew will come looking for them but now we most leave before they show up"

Y/n " yes master" you and plo koon soon went back into the republic ship and headed off to the next planet, but you felt something when you were leaving the surface of the planet like something was calling you back. But you soon shake it off think it was something from he mediation but you were wrong it was something greater then you will never thought before.

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