── ꒰ 𝐦. 𝐢𝐤𝐮𝐬𝐚𝐛𝐚 ꒱

837 18 1

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TW: gay/lesbian, snow white, mild mentions of su!cide

Her skin is pale. Cold to the touch. Freckles perfectly aligned on her cheeks. I let my fingers draw over them, drawing a line from freckle to freckle. Humming a melody to myself, I find her body loosening up and her eyes closing. I continue, happiness rushing over me as I look at her relaxed body. Her eyes closed and her lips slightly parted. My finger pausing in its movement at the rare sight of her relaxed body. "Thank you, (Y/N)," she murmurs, sitting up. "That was just what I needed" her hand caresses my cheek, as I hear footsteps from the other side of the door. "Mukuro!" a high-pitched and slightly annoying voice exclaims. The door slams open as a woman, with strawberry blonde hair, walks in. "we have work to do!" the woman says, being rather loud. "yes Junko" Mukuro gets up and walks towards the woman, stretching her back before turning towards me. "I'll see you later" I raise my hand to wave at her, as she walks out of the room with Junko. The door closes behind them, making a loud thud noise before leaving me in complete silence, as I feel the dark and loneliness swallow me whole.

"(Y/N)" I feel a pair of hands on my arm. My eyes slowly open and I almost get blinded by the light. "You're awake" the voice says, making me turn my head to be met with a pale face. Freckles are plastered on the face. A pair of gray eyes meet mine. Black strands of hair sway in the air, complimenting the pale skin color. "You fell asleep while I was gone" I sit up, some parts of my body hurting from sleeping on the thin mattress. "what was the work you had to do?" I ask her, yawning as I rub my eyes with the back of my hand. "it doesn't matter" she replies sternly, taking ahold of my other hand. Her finger tracing the lines on my palm, before sighing and sitting down beside me. I sit up on the mattress. "are you alright?" I ask hesitantly, feeling a knot forming in my stomach. Does it even matter? I think, she won't answer anyway. Mukuro sighs again, her chest lowering as she breathes out. "I'm fine" her voice echoing through the room. What better way to deny your existence, than denying everyone else's too? I think to myself, as Mukuro turns her head. Her grey eyes gazing into mine. I feel the knot loosing a bit at the sight. "If anyone" Mukuro suddenly says, turning her gaze to a small whole in the wall. "ever asked you if you would go on a date with them" a pause. "what would you say?" she finishes the question, her eyes still on the wall. I take a second to consider my answer. "It really just depends on who would ask me" I say at last, looking at the mattress. "hypothetically" Mukuro says slowly, "if I asked you" she holds a pause again. "I would say yes" I murmur, just loud enough for her to hear. There comes no reaction from her. I start humming a melody again, this time drawing my finger over her arm.

Skin as pale as snow. Hair as black as ebony. Lips red as a rose. Oh, my dear Snow White, how I love you so much. But do you love me back? I don't think I'll be able to take the truth, if the words spoken from your lips, are that you love a man more than me. If so, I shall end my life for you are my love, body, soul and life. Without your love, I am no more than a mere existence, that is not worth existing. 

"you know," I say. "you remind me of Snow White" Mukuro turns her head, her eyebrows raised in confusion. "Snow White? I mean..." she mutters. "my skin and hair matches, but lips as red as a rose?" her index finger resting on her lower lip, lips slightly parted. "well sometimes your lips are red, but most of the time they're blue..." Mukuro dots my nose, a small smile on her face. Stunned, I look confused before smiling back at her. A warm feeling in my chest. The knot is gone and there's butterflies hurriedly swarming in my stomach. 

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