── ꒰ 𝐤. 𝐨𝐮𝐦𝐚 ꒱

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"l/n? l/n!" y/n snaps back to reality as Kaede worriedly calls out her name. "Yes..?" She asks, not focusing. "You have to focus." y/n nods as a reply, looking down at the paper on the table. y/n, Kaede and Miu are doing a school project together. "Yeah, ya f'ing a**hole! It's not only me and big-chest Kaematsu-san there, who are doing this project!!" Miu exclaims a little too loud. "I'm sorry, I'll try to focus now!" y/n says, smiling widely at Miu. Her reaction scares Miu, she blushes and looks away. "Where did we come from?" y/n asks, and Kaede explains it to her.

- - - 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘴 - - -

It's after class. y/n and Kaede walks out of the classroom, talking about music. "l/n-chan!" Shuichi says, running towards the two girls. "Yes, Saihara-chan?" He pants - he did run towards the two girls. "We have a problem..." He says, looking embarrassed. "What happened?!" y/n asks, rather concerned. "Well..." He starts off before he gets interrupted by Kokichi yelling. "l/n-chan!! Somebody stole your sketchbook from Saihara-chan!" y/n looks at the two boys, way to deep in thought. She barely focused when Kokichi talked. "Somebody... stole? My sketchbook...?" Kokichi replies with a 'yes' and turns to Shuichi. "We'll find it, right?" Kokichi had been acting rather nice towards y/n. Well, only sometimes. Other times he pulled pranks on her, not showing it was him and giving him the chance of comforting her.

y/n? She was way too oblivious to notice that he had taking a liking to her. Kokichi even blushes around her. y/n just can't seem to understand it. Oh, but a little secret -- y/n likes Kokichi back, she just doesn't know what love is.

- - - 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘭 - - -

y/n l/n, Miu Iruma and Kaede Akamatsu are best friends. Lucky for them, they share the same dorm. Their dorm is beside Kokichi Ouma, Shuichi Saihara and Rantaro Amami's dorm.

"Kaematsu-san?" y/n usually calls Kaede the nicknames Miu give her. She thinks Kaede's reactions are funny. "Yes, l/n-san." Kaede doesn't seem bothered by the nickname this time. "I have something that I want to talk to you about..." y/n says as Kaede unlocks the door. They step inside and place their bags on the floor. "I'm just going to change, then we can talk about it. Iruma-san might be back by then." Kaede searches for a shirt and a pair of shorts in her dresser and then walks into the bathroom. y/n finds one of her (f/c) T-shirts and a pair of black shorts to match. Kaede finishes and leaves the bathroom free for y/n.

When they both have changed Miu have arrived at the dorm. "What's up, ya sick f'cks?!" She shouts, making a big entrance. She changes too. They all wear shirts and shorts, because it's summer in Japan. Even their dorm starts to feel hot. "What did you want to talk about, l/n-san?" Kaede asks, a big smile on her face as they all sit on the floor. "Lately, I've been having this feeling..." y/n starts off. "But it's only when I'm around this specific person..." Kaede and Miu listen in silence as y/n speaks. "Who is this mf who stole poor y/n's heart?!" Miu exclaims, rather violently. "S-stole my... heart?" Kaede nods. "Describe the feeling you have around this person!" Kaede's tone turn sweeter for every word, to not scare y/n. "Well, by heart begins beating.. And whenever they say something to me or I have to talk to them, I get butterflies in my stomach. I get all nervous..." y/n smiles, her eyes sparkling with joy as she describes the feeling. Having a mental picture of the specific person. "l/n-san, dear, you have a crush on someone." Kaede reaches out for y/n's hands and holds them. Giving them a kind little squish. "A-a crush..?" Miu and Kaede look at each other. Miu sit down and starts explaining what a crush is to y/n. "I-i like the guy?" Miu and Kaede nods. "Now, tell us y/n-san. Who is the guy?" Miu is rather calm, sitting on the floor. Kaede is still holding y/n's hand to comfort her. "It's-" y/n starts. "Ouma-san..." y/n whispers. "Who?!" Kaede and Miu could barely hear (Y/N)'s answer. "Iruma-san, calm down. But l/n-san, could you speak a ittle louder?" There's concern in her voice. "I like... Ouma-san!" y/n replies a little louder.

"That little gremlin! I'm going to beat his ass, for stealing l/n's heart!" Miu screams, Kaede holding her back. "l/n-san is going to be careful right? But if Ouma-san rejects, I'm going to allow you to scold him." y/n nods, worried about Miu, not controlling her anger very well. "Y-you mean, I have to confess to him... ?" y/n stutters. "Yeah, then you can live a happy life with him if he accepts, but we'll help you through if he rejects you." Miu calms down and Kaede lets go off her. "If you want, we can help you prepare and pick the method you want to use!" Miu's voice is caring and sweet. Something rare. Something she only shows, she's capable of, when she's alone with the two other girls. "I would be more than thankful for your help!" y/n smiles, cheering up.

Then Miu, Kaede and y/n uses the rest of the evening, until 10 PM, to come up with ideas for ways to confess, and to built up y/n's confidence. Just a bit.

- - - 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦 𝘥𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳 // 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘴 - - -

"Now it's time." Kaede says as her, Miu and y/n reaches the lockers. Miu and Kaede change shoes and wait just behind the entrance of the school. They can hear the conversation from there. y/n puts her bag on the ground, beside her.

𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐨𝐯:

I see Kokichi walk towards me. "Ouma-san." He's walking with Rantaro and Shuichi. "Yeah, l/n-san?" He says in his playful tone. "C-can I speak to you alone?" I say, referring to Rantaro and Shuichi. Kokichi nods to the boys, and they change shoes, walking out of the school. Continuing to their dorm. "What did you want to talk about?" Kokichi's voice is extremely serious. "I know, that this might not mean alot, since I have zero experience and got it explained three days ago, but I'm convinced that it's the truth." I look down. "l/n-san, what are you referring to?" He sounds confused. "Iloveyoumorethananything!" I blurt out. Kokichi is being unusually quiet. Then his face gets just as read as mine. "It's okay... if you don't like me back..." I say, nervously looking down. Fiddling with my (h/l) (h/c) hair. "No. No!" Kokichi says, lifting my head by the chin. "l/n-san..." He says. Taking a deep breath. "I love you too!" He leans in closer, and connects our lips, into a sweet and gentle kiss.

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