── ꒰ 𝐭. 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐚 ꒱

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I was walking around the school. Not doing much. Just being bored. Anyways, this person walks beside me. The 16 students just recently heard that they're trapped in a killing game. They don't know about me, of course. I'm the masterminds secret helper. Also known as the 'traitor'. Well, not really, because I'm not apart of the '16 students', so I'm not really a traitor.

»TENKO!« Somebody yells and a short, red haired girl runs after the other person. The short girl's hair is also short. The other person, whose name is apparently Tenko, turns around and I see a rather tall and fine build female. Her hair is in small ovals, tied between each one, and with a bow of light green color and white flowers illustrated. The color of her hair is a slight dark green color. When she turns around her eyes meet mine. Eyes as green as the grass, stares into my eyes, for what feels like an eternity. »Tenko, is something wrong?« the red haired girl asks. Tenko snaps back to reality and acts like nothing happened. I turn around and walk around the corner of the wall. Back to the masterminds office.


I wake up. Sitting in the masterminds office. »Good, you're awake« I hear a voice say. It's the mastermind. »It's time you meet all the 16 students« They say. I nod and get up from the chair. My back hurts, but I stretch it a bit, and then I'm all good. »Ready? Let's go« We walk out of the office. Into the main hall. You can hear whispers from the gym. Everyone's gathered there. We walk behind the scene and the mastermind steps up. Monokuma already stands on the scene. I watch from behind.

»Yes, I am the mastermind! The one behind it all!« You can hear what they're saying from anywhere around. »Get ready to meet the 'traitor' who has helped me all along« Damn, already? I stand at my place until they call my name. »The traitor is ... y/n l/n!« I step up onto the scene. My eyes closed and my breath slow. I open my eyes and look at all the people. Tenko from yesterday, the red haired girl, a blonde, a white haired girl and a black haired girl. They're all standing together. I notice a oddly dressed girl with goggles and a blue haired girl amongst them.

The group of boys are more... casual. Two boys with purple hair. A big boy with green hair. An avocado-looking boy. A boy with a hat and a robot. There's also a boy with a mask, oddly enough. I notice a girl standing alone. Wait, no. She's standing beside a really short boy. He's standing with a lollipop and she's wearing a maid like outfit.

»Isn't the traitor normally a student among us?« The boy with a hat asks. »Yes, that's why I'm the traitor with quotation marks« I say. »That makes more sense« He looks like he's thinking it through. »Well, some of you might think of me as a traitor, because we were friends before the killing game, and I was helping trapping you in here« I laugh nervously. »Who were you friends with?« Somebody asks. »Should I mention all of them?« They all talk about it for a second. »Yes we want!« Then it's settled. »Here we go,« I sigh and begin mention all I remember. »Kaede Akamatsu, Shuichi Saihara, Kokichi Oma, Maki Harukawa, Kaito Momota and also...« I try to recall her name. Green like hair. We were the best of friends. »Tenko Chabashira!« I say. They all gasp. At first I was questioning why they were surprised, until I remembered that they lost their memories.

»I s-saw you yesterday!« Tenko says. The girl from yesterday. »She did!?« The mastermind looks at me. »Well, only she did, her friend ran right beside me...« They sigh. »Sorry...« »It's fine«

The mastermind went back to their office to continue some work with Monokuma, and I was allowed to talk to the students. I walk down from the stage and looks at the students. »H-hi« I say nervously and steps closer. »You know me? You're like so pretty, how could we be friends?« Tenko says and I get flustered and blushes. »I'm not that pretty... But all of the people is or was ... my friends, hehe« Tenko hugs me. »I'm glad you were my friend« She says while hugging me close. »We were not only friends...« I say and Tenko releases me. »What do you mean?« »We... dated until you got accepted into this school, and I got offered to help the mastermind...« I pout and just imagines how Tenko would think it's disgusting. »I had a... girlfriend? I didn't date a degenerate male...?« I nod. She has always referred to males this way. Which is one of the reasons why I fell for her. Before I realize what's happening, I feel something press against my lips. Tenkos lips. She's kissing me. I blush when I realize it. Something wet touches my skin. Tears. She's crying. Tears of joy. She releases from the kiss. I'm panting. So is she. When she realizes what she did, she blushes a deep red, just like me. »I-i'm s-sorry, I j-just..« »It's okay, we are dating after all, but you just stole my first kiss« Tenko looks surprised. »Your first kiss?! Did we never kiss before?!« I shake my head. »Then I'm glad I was your first kiss, and not some degenerate male!« She stands proudly.


She survived the killing game with me. And we lived happily ever after. Or kind of.

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