── ꒰ 𝐦. 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐮𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚 ꒱

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I'm walking from my door to the dining hall. Nighttime just ended and we're allowed to walk around again. I keep on thinking about this girl. I've been hanging around her and her friends recently. Her name is ... Maki Harukawa. I wasn't thinking about where I was walking and eventually... Well, I tripped over something - I don't know what - and somebody catches me before I hit the ground. »T-thank you,« I stutter. »You should be more careful, l/n-san« It's Maki. I get flustered ad apologizes 1000 times. She keeps on saying it's fine, but I can't stop apologizing. »The guys wanted to hang out, all of us, including you« Including me? When would they have ever considered that. It's such a bad idea. I'm a bakadere, it can only end badly. I'm clumsy, stupid and childish. »At Kaito's dorm, 5 PM« She says and leaves.


I walk over to Kaito's dorm. I hesitate on knocking when the door opens immediatly. »Come inside, l/n-san« Maki's in the door, she leads me inside. The others are already there. »Hey y/n!« Kaito says in his usually loud and energetic voice. »Hi!« I say, cheering up a little bit. I'm still really nervous about how this is gonna end...


We spent the first 10 minutes (or so), just talking. Then Kaito comes up with the idea of playing 'spin the bottle'.

"What is 'spin the bottle' exactly?" I ask. "You don't know what it is?!" Kaito says, then laughs. Shuichi explains the rules to me. "Oh, that makes sense!" Kaito then grabs an empty water bottle and spins it. *Unlucky* for him, it lands on Shuichi. "Bro!" Kaito says, and quickly kisses Shuichi. Maki grabs the bottle, and says "it's my turn now." Kaito and Shuichi nods. She then spins the bottle, and it feels like an eternity before it stops spinning. It lands on ... me? Kaito and Shuichi are quiet. I still haven't processed it landed on me, and Maki is slowly moving closer to me. Our lips connect the second, I process what's happening. I get scared, trying to back away, but Maki is holding my hand. Making me fall on my back, with Maki on top. She pulls away, and smiles a small smile at me before sitting up again. "I never thought I would feel aroused by two girls making out..." Kaito says out of nowhere. Just staring at me and Maki. Me, a flustered mess and Maki, looking completely fine. "Let's do that, sidekick!" Kaito shouts, turning to Shuichi, who instantly gets flustered. "Let's leave." Maki says with a stern face, and grabs my hand. As she drags me out of Kaito's dorm, I get a glimpse of Shuichi's dark red face and Kaito moving closer to him.

"Where are we going, Harukawa-san?" I ask, as she drags me in the opposite direction of her dorm. "Going to your dorm." She slowes down, as we reach my dorm. We go inside, and as soon as she closes the door, she says: "i want more. I like you l/n-san."

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