── ꒰ 𝐦. 𝐤𝐨𝐢𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐢 ꒱

682 6 9

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TW: fluff/lime, mild nsfw

Standing between the branches of the palm trees on Jabberwock Island. The sun shining behind her. A sweet smile spread across her face. "y/n" she says, snapping me back to reality. "yes, Koizumi-san?" I ask curiously. "it looked like you were spacing out for a second" she grins and tilts her head. Her red hair swaying in the warm breeze. I smile at her, letting out a soft giggle. "y/n! Koizumi-san!" somebody calls out to us. we both turn to look. it's Hajime and Nagito. "Hinata-kun, Komaeda-san, good morning" i smile at them. i feel a hand on my shoulder, catching a glimpse of Mahirus short red hair in the corner of my eye. "good morning" Mahiru says nicely. "good morning," Nagito replies. "where you always that nice, Koizumi-san?" Hajime asks curiously. "yeah, why are you asking?" you can hear the sarcasm. I know she doesn't act that nicely around the guys, even though I told her too. "me and y/n is heading back now," Mahiru says, getting a hold of my arm. She drags me with her, longer onto the island.

"HEY Y/N!!" Ibuki greets excitingly as Mahiru drags me further onto the island. Mahiru continues to drag me and doesn't seem to care about the others greeting us. "I WROTE A NEW SONG, SO COME BY LATER TO LISTEN!!" Ibuki yells and I look back, smiling and giving her a thumbs up. "I'LL TRY TO REMEMBER!" I reply, letting Mahiru drag me to wherever she wants to go.

We end up at Mahirus dorm. She closes the door the second i get inside. "what's the matter, Koizumi-san?" I ask, stepping towards the bed in her dorm. "I just - just got jealous" she whispered out the last part. I turned to look at her expression, my cheeks tinted pink. Mahirus cheeks dusted in a red color. It was as clear as day. "you were jealous" I said, trying to make it sound like a question. "you just seemed so happy with Hajime and Komaeda, and you always space out when you're with me" she quickly exclaimed, explaining the situation. "and I like you. no! love... I lo- love you, y/n" she mumbles. I hesitantly step closer to her, reaching out my arm. "I've been taki-" I let our lips collide, tasting her cherry red lips on mine. It feels like the world stops around us. "y/n" she says when we pull away. "I want more" that was all I needed to hear. I let our lips collide again. Her lips taste like cherries. Sweet and sour. We pull apart, her eyes sparkling in the dim light. "i've been taking a lot of photos of you" she fiddles with her fingers.

The light bulb seemed to not work correctly as it kept turning on and off. Curtains closed, only letting in a small stripe of light. It hits right onto the bathroom door. "maybe we should move it to the bed" I hesitantly mutter out. Tender olive-green eyes staring deep into my soul, sharing hints of lust and love. I study her face closely as she carries me to the bed, keeping our eyes locked. She places me on the bed before taking a seat beside me. My back is facing the wall at the head of the bed. Mahiru slowly moves herself closer, as I back away. I lean against the wall as Mahiru breathes against my ears. I feel my body shivering as her warmth breath tickles against my ear. "all I want is you" she whispers before moving her face to the crook of my neck. Gently kissing my neck in different spots before suddenly sucking on a spot. I bite my lip, trying to suppress a moan. "don't hold it in" Mahiru must have noticed, "baby girl~" she whispers.

"let me hear it" she says before moving her hands up my shirt, quickly finding my bra. I feel her hands on my back, as she unclips my bra. Her fingers tracing my soft skin, sending endless shivers down my spine.

a knock.

then another.

Mahiru hesitantly moves away from me. "We'll continue this some other time." her voice so serious and steady that I'm speechless. "yeah" I stutter out, feeling her sharp olive-green eyes fixated on me. I get up and find my bra on the floor, hurrying to the bathroom and closing the door after me. Getting off my shirt to put on the bra, and then I put the shirt on again. I hear some muffled voices. Hiyoko ... and Mikan. I step out of the bathroom, going up to Mahiru at the door.

"oh y/n" Mikan says happily. "greetings Mikan" I smile widely at her. "is something the matter?" I ask, gazing at Mikan, Mahiru and Hiyoko. Mikan replies "Ibuki told me to come get you" her light voice suddenly sounding ecstatic. "I just came along to get help from Mahiru" Hiyoko bluntly says, rolling her eyes. "and hang out with her" her tone is bland. "then I'll be on my way" I smile at mikan a last time before walking past Hiyoko, swiftly getting a hold of my hand and dragging me closer to her. She whispers in my ear, her tone as bland as ever. "she'll pick me over you any day" before letting go of me. I pay her statement no mind and walk with Mikan for a while.

I study the beautiful as me and Mikan walk. In the corner of my eye, I see Hajime and Nagito. Sonia and Kazuichi seems to be there too. "I'm going to hang out with Hajime..." Mikan says, fiddling with her hair nervously. I giggle and put on a wide grin, "is Ibuki waiting for me in Titty Typhoon?" I ask. Mikan nods. "then I'll walk there by myself" I smile, waving at her as she walks towards Hajime and the others.

"The islands nature is breathtaking" I say, as I glance at the nature surrounding the path to Titty Typhoon. "I wonder what song Ibuki has written this time..." wondering to myself, I open the doors to the music venue, greeting Ibuki and getting ready for a small concert.

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