── ꒰ 𝐬. 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚 ꒱

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TW: murder

I were standing up against a wall. Listening to y/n's conversation with Kokichi. "Bye Kokichi~chan" She said and walked away from him. I had fallen in love with y/n, but she kept on hanging out with Kokichi.


I just met up at school. I want to see y/n's smile. Footsteps behind me, and a sweet female voice, talks behind. "Hey Shuichi!" I feel a poke on my back. And with that I turn around to face y/n. "Goodmorning y/n" I say and she smiles. Her sugar sweet smile. She begins talking about her hobbies, and we walk to class together.

We arrive at our classroom. She sits at the table in front of me. We continue to talk until the bell rings and class begins.


It's lunch. y/n asked me, if I wanted to eat lunch with her. Since Kokichi is sick. I agreed. We've been talking for a while and y/n then asks me, "Hey Shuichi, do you want to hang out after school?" And as the idiot I am, I stutter out an answer. My cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "S-sure," She smiles and we continue our conversation. How can sweet y/n want to hang out with someone like me? Sure, I'm better than Kokichi, but still. Her sweet smile, her soft lips. She's so perfect. Even her angelic voice. How can someone be so perfect?


I get out the classroom. Me and y/n had different classes, in the last lesson. I search around for y/n. I stop around a corner. Her voice and a male voice sounds. "Please don't" she says with fright in her voice. "Baby, just let me~" he says seductively. "I need to meet up with my friend!" I hear a thump. She pushed him away. Footsteps comes closer. "I'll get you one time!" He shouts and the footsteps come closer. y/n turns around the corner and stops immediately. I look her deep in the eyes. "S-shuichi..?" Her voice is trembling. Her whole body shaking. "Who are you talking to?~" the boy comes closer and y/n looks frightened. I hide her behind me and let the boy show himself. "Leave her alone" I say and he just looks at me for a second, then leaves.

A warm embrace. y/n is hugging me from behind. "T-thanks..." Her voice is stills trembling and her body shaking. "Do you wanna go to your house or my house?" I ask her to get off the topic. "Mine, if it's okay" She pulls away and I turn around. "If it pleases you~" She takes my hand and drags me to her house.

We arrive at her house and she opens the door. "Isn't your parents home?" She shakes her head and we sit down on the couch. Without noticing she yawns and falls asleep. Resting on my shoulder. "You look so cute when you sleep y/n" I say without thinking. "You think so?" I thought she was asleep. She chuckles and smiles. Because of me. She yawns again and this time, she surely falls asleep.


I wake up. Stretching my arms. y/n still laying on me. Atleast it's weekend now. She yawns. "Morning~" I say and she smiles. I love her smile, just as much as I love her. "Good~morning!" She gets up and does some poses. I chuckle a bit at her behavior. She makes some breakfast for both of us and we talk about her hobbies. "Why do you hang out with Kokichi so much?" I ask all of a sudden. The words just spilled out. "Kokichi~chan helps me from the bad guys, and he won't leave me alone!" She smiles at her reply for the question. "I want to hang out with other people too, but Kokichi~chan never leaves me alone!" She pouts. It looks adorable. "You could hang out with me," I whisper. She doesn't seem to hear me. "y/n?" I wave a hand in front of her face. She gets startled. "S-sorry, that happens sometimes~" She waves it away and we get back to the couch.

She changes and we walk to school together. "Kokichi~chan!" y/n runs over to a small purple haired boy. "y/n-sama!" They hug. I see that Kokichi is taller than y/n. "I'm sorry I had to leave you alone yesterday~" He pouts. He acts mean and annoying against anyone else, than y/n. He treasures her as a friend. "Shuichi was kind enough to hang out with me!" "He didn't do anything weird to you?" Kokichi looks at me. "No, he actually helped me when a bad guy was confronting me! Shuichi is kind and strong~" Kokichi nods and they walk to class. I find my own friends and hangout with them.

𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐨𝐯:

Me and Kokichi is chatting. "y/n-sama, you should get some more friends!" Kokichi pouts and leaves me alone, speechless. I walk around to find some people from my class. Then I accidentally bump into someone. I land flat on my butt. "Sorry!" They say and help me up. "Thanks" I look up to see it's a girl. A girl with dark brown hair. "Hi! I'm Tenko Chabashira!" She gestures some poses. "The ultimate Aikido Master!" She seems so hype about it. I smile and reply. "I'm y/n l/n!" I also gestures some poses. They reference my talent. "The ultimate (y/t)!" She chuckles. Her smile is soft and bright. "Do you hate males?" Her question surprises me. "Only some, not all males, but most of them are degenerate" "I think they're degenerate too!" We seem to have kind of the same interest. We chat and actually become friends, in the end.

"These girls are my other friends!" Tenko shows me a few girls. A blonde, a red haired and a white haired girl. They are all smiling at me. "Praise Atua~" the white haired girl says. "H-hi..." I say awkwardly. "I'm y/n l/n" The white haired girl walks closer to me. "I'm Angie Yonaga, the ultimate artist" she whispers in my ear. It scares me and I accidentally jump away. "I didn't mean to scare you!" She says and walks away. "I'm Kaede Akamatsu, the ultimate pianist!" The blonde girl says. Then the red haired girl introduces herself, "I'm Himiko Yumeno, the ultimate magician." The blonde girl speaks again. "What's your talent?" She looks me deeply into the eyes. Curiosity floating around in her eyes. "It's (y/t).." I look away. I feel a warm embrace, and to my surprise all the girls are hugging me. I chuckle and hug them all back.

I had forgotten all about Kokichi. I didn't even see him anywhere, but I didn't mind. I had Tenko, Himiko, Angie and Kaede to keep me company. They were really fun and caring. We always hung out together. Then it happened. I was searching for Kaede, she agreed to learn me how to play piano. Turning around the corner, I spot something and freezes in place. Shuichi standing above a wounded body. He was laughing. I stayed silent, and walked back behind the wall. Hoping Shuichi didn't see me. I think back, to see if I saw who got killed. Then it hits me. It was Kokichi's dead body. "He killed Kokichi...? But why? " I was shaking. Scared for what would happen. No one was at the school. Only me, Kaede, Shuichi and Kokichi's dead body. Kaede wouldn't have seen any of this, she's in her practicing room, waiting for me. And I will come late to practice. I peak around the corner. Shuichi wasn't saying anything. I take a deep breath and show myself to Shuichi. "S-shuichi...?" I tried to seem confident, but I ended up stuttering. "y/n?" He looks me deeply in the eyes. "I didn't want you to see me like this, but I did this all for you~" He sounds so caring, but I don't know what to feel about it. "I want you to love me, like I love you~" He says. "Love him, like he loves me..? He has a crush on me?!" I snap back to reality when Shuichi places his hand on my shoulder. His face is very close to my ear.

❝ 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐲/𝐧? ❞

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