Arising Emotions

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Previously on Caught on Camera ~

"Good now that we all are back together again, and no one is having a panic attack, we can get back to class. Izuku if you have a problem please come to me or Hizashi. Now let's go problem children." He said as we walked back to class.

"He cares about you." Hito whispered.

"Shut up Hitoshi, and get into class." Mr. Aizawa said and kicked Hito into his classroom, I just giggled and walked into the classroom, avoiding everyone glares. I was happy and Hito and Mr. Aizawa made my day.


Izuku POV

After the day was done, Hito said he wanted to come over.  I texted my brother the Hito was coming over, he said he was coming to pick us up, but I told him not to. Because I wanted to walk with Hito.

So here I am walking with him, my boyfriend, my savior. Too cringey?

Nope 😁


"IZUKU!" Hito shouted, gripping my shoulders. 

"Huh, yes!" I answered back. He pulled me into a hug.

"You scared me for a bit you weren't answering me. I wanted to asked if you wanted to go on a date next week, you know I found this really cool place I wanted to take you, so?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

I blushed and nodded, he pulled me into a hug, both arms around my waist, and so that I was pressed up against his body. My hands gripped his uniform jacket hesitantly. My head on his chest hearing his calming heart beat. I hummed at the feeling of his hands rubbing my waist.

"You have such a small waist kitten, makes me want to ravish and devour it all." I heard Hito whisper in a low voice near my ear, it made my legs a little weak a weird feeling in my lower area.

"H-Hito~." A small weird sound emitting from me, I stuffed my head further into his chest wanting to hide my embarrassment.

"Baby please look at me." I felt him lower his hands further to waist of my pants. Tears pricked at my eyes, it wasn't from being sad or mad, but something different. But I couldn't pin point this feeling. I gripped his jacket tighter and slowly looked up so he could see my embarrassed state. 

"Hito, I-I feel w-weird." I stuttered as he held me up, from my thighs.

"Really Kitten? Should I stop?" He asked with a grin, I shook my head no, but he stopped and backed away. but had one hand in my hand.

"Let's go home ok, I don't want people looking at what's mine." He said pulling me along with him. As soon as we made it home, my brother looked up as we made it through the door.

"Where the hell were you guys, and why is my little brother crying. What the fuck did you do to him?!" Kazu yelled at Hito. 

"Nothing bad happened Kazu, we were just spending time together." I blushed, Hito nodded and wrapped an arm around my shoulders pulling me close again.

"Alright...? Just doing be doing all that PDA shit outside a lot.  You don't want to be considered 'that' couple, got it?" He said mostly to Hito who smirked and nodded. I pulled him away from my brother and up to my room.

After Hito-kun got in, I closed the door behind me, because of privacy.

"So what do you want to do while you're here?" I asked as he smirked and singled for me to come here. 

I walked in front of him while he was sitting on the end of my bed. He soon grabbed me by the waist and close to him, my hands found their way to his hair and rested on his head.

  "Are y-you ok Hi-Hito-kun?" I asked embarrassed in this position.

"Better then ever Kitten." He mumbled in my shirt.

I was enjoying the quiet peaceful moment until I felt him tugging on my shirt making me fall forward on his lap in a straddle position.

"H-Hito-" I was cut off when he kissed me, which I immediately  melted into. Wrapping my arms around his neck feeling like that was the right thing to do in that moment.

I drowned in the kissing session, Hito-kun getting more and more desperate that he licked my lips, I opened my mouth seeing if that's what he wanted. 

And that's exactly what he wanted because he sticks his tongue in exploring all over. I was a little surprised by his actions.

Feeling his hands travel all around my waist and tail bone made me shudder when I felt his hands come up in my shirt dragging his hands along my skin.

My hips started moving on their own, feeling the discomfort of my pants, I wanted something.  

This was all so new to me, but it felt like second nature to me. I let a strange noise escape from my lips when we parted and him thrusting up.

He stopped kissing me and stared up into my eyes as I stared back panting in a dazed look.

"You taste really good Kitten." He whispered and smirked.

"Y-You too-"

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING, IT'S TOO QUIET IN HERE!" My brother burst through my door, shouting until he saw the position we were in, his emotions going from shocked to 'I'm going to kill you.' 

"You horny fucker, get your hands off his ass!" He yelled stomped over, I hugged Hito-kun tightly and closed my eyes, waiting for him to pull us apart but nothing happened.

I opened my eyes seeing a force field around me and Hito-kun, seeing my brother with a shocked look.

I wished for him to just walk out and forget what he saw in this moment. The force field slowly going down when he left.

"Emotions huh?" Hito-kun asked leaning back on my bed with a sigh and a smile.

I fell forward on him making him fall all the way down on my bed with a giggle. I snuggled into his chest with a smile.

"I love you Hito-kun."

"I love you more Kitten, just don't tell my dad about this." He looked down at me.

"No promises." Uncle D poked his head in and said.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2022 ⏰

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