Shinsou "friends"

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Shinsou POV 

After we left Izu's house I couldn't stop thinking of his soft warm lips, they were so pink and plump, and delicious. I touched my lips, hoping that feeling would come back, I looked at the house we were leaving growing smaller in the distance.

I miss him already.

"Don't worry Hito, you'll see your boyfriend tomorrow." Dad said as I blushed was I really showing it that much.

"Yes you were, its clear as day." Papa said, I said that out loud! I groaned and covered my face, their so embarrassing.

Time skip to the next day going to school~

After Papa and Dad dropped me off and went to the office, I was looking all around for Izu.

"Hey Shinsou." I turned around seeing Iida with a smug grin.

"Hey what's up." I said, I really don't like being his friend, he came up to me and order me to be his friend, and me being the whatever type person I am was like sure.

"So I don't know if my glasses were foggy and the prescription expired but I thought I saw you and that umm... Midian was it I don't care but if you were with him what were you doing so close to him. You shouldn't hang around villains, you know." He said as my eyes widen, this is why Izu is always feeling like he isn't wanted, and his name is Midoriya jackass.

"I wasn't, it was just some girl I don't know, and it was dark out so you couldn't really see anything anyway." I said, I want to keep me and Izu relationship a secret because then they start talking bad and Izu would get hurt more.

"Ok.... anyway have you heard that we are going to be moving into dorms pretty soon, well I've heard rumors but I don't know if they are true." He said, I just started walking towards class blocking him out, only thinking of Izu. Where could he be, if he wasn't in the yard then he may have came early to school. I opened the classroom door seeing Bakugou have hand around Izu neck.

"Hey let him go!" I yelled and ran over to Izu, pushing the boom boom boy away. Izu fell to the floor coughing holding his neck.

"Hey you ok?" I asked him sitting him against the wall of the classroom.

"Yeah, thank you again." He whispered.

"Yeah anything for you." I said helping up.

"What the hell was that for eye bags?!" Bakugou yelled, I turned to him with my same bored expression.

"You can't go around trying to kill people you know that wouldn't look good if you were a hero." I said helping Izu sit down in his chair, since he was still kind of stumbling.

"So what you sticking up for this villain now extra!?" He yelled, more people flooding the room, just watching.

"He's not a villain, I'd say the villain is you right now." I said but he brought his hand up to blow an explosion, I closed my eyes ready for impact, I heard it but I didn't feel it. I opened my eyes seeing a force feild around me. I looked around seeing Izuku with a panicked expression. So he made the force field.

"Fucking BITCH-"

"All right sit down, I want to see Bakugou, Iida, Shinsou and Midoriya at the end of class. Now sit down I have news." Dad came in, I sat down behind Izu, after he released me from the force field. I could feel glares but I didn't care.

"Now tomorrow we will be going to the Unforeseen Simulator Joint, USJ for short if you may, where you will learn to do rescue training, with me and two other heroes. Also I heard your dumb rumors about the dorm system being put in, its a thought that we are thinking off so its not official. That's all, they rest of the is for you." Dad said.

Time skip to the end of class, since Shinsou slept through his free period and answering small questions from Izuku~

Izuku POV

After class, Toshi, Bakugou and Iida was told to stay, I was standing next to Toshi as he stood next to Iida and then Bakugou.

"So do you know why I asked the four of you to stay here after class?" Aizawa-sensei asked.

I shooked my head as the other three said no. I don't trust my voice in this situation. The wrong thing could be said and I would be a bigger target for Bakugou and Iida.

"Bakugou and Iida I talked to Nezu about this bullying shit, and we are getting dorms, now this is a warning, bully a student and I will guarentee your hero license be stripped and from ever getting to be a hero. And I suspected more from you Iida said that coming from a hero family." Aizawa-sensei said.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME, THIS SCHOOL ALLOWS A VILLAIN-" Iida was cut off by Aizawa-sensei slamming his hand on the desk, making Iida stop yelling.

"Antoher thing, this school does not condone or tolerate bullying and quirk discrimination." He added.

"So what does this have to do with me and Izuku?" Toshi said.

"Right I want this problem to be solved right here right now, so you four will make up what this problem is because if I here another argument about whatever the fuck you started. I will personally let Nezu deal with you." He said as I looked over at Iida and Bakugou who was glaring at me. I quickly looked away.

"So who's first, don't all go at once?" Aizawa-sensei said looking at the four of us. I walked forward and turned to the three of them.

"I'm sorry for being such a burden, and it will never happen again." I sad and quickly left the classroom, I knew Toshi would say something, I went to lunch and seeing everyone look at me, ugh... this day can't get any worse. Uraraka came up to me with a red face and everyone else went back to their conversations.

"Hey uh, Deku could I talk to you in private please?" She asked, I hesitated with my answer because she was one of Iida's and Bakugou friends and she did nothing to help while they were beating me up, she just stood by and watched.

"Uhh...sure I guess." I said as we walked out the room.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked.

"I was wondering... if you would be my boyfriend?" She asked.

"Uh I can't I don't like you like that or at all, sorry." I said as she started crying and ran away. I sighed and was about to walk away when someone pulled me by the waist. I looked over my shoulder to see Toshi.

"So this is where you ran off to." He said and pulled me into a hug, I of course hugged back.

"Sorry I ran off." I sad looking down.

"Don't be, they were my friends but after what I've seen and heard from them I now hate them even more." He said.

"Wait so they used to be your friends?" I asked looking up at him.

"Yeah well actually they forced me to be their friend, and I just said sure, I really didn't care at first but now I know they were using me for popularity and shit. And sorry that dad raised his voice." He said hugging me tigher around my waist.

"It's ok, he was just doing his job, I think." I barried my face in his chest.

"Your so cute." He said as I blushed all shades of red, he always says thing out of the blue.

"D-Deku?" I heard someone say, I quickly pulled away from the hug seeing Uraraka with a shocked look.

So Shinsou's friends are all over the place and I can't be myself.

"Is this why you can't return my feelings?" She asked.

"No." I said.

"Then why?" She lowered her head.


To be continued...........

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