I Hate School

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This story is just something come off of the top of my head. SO things may seem fast in this story but I really just want to get to the main part of the story, sorry. I am editing this story as I write it please do forgive me. 😣

Izuku POV

I am currently on the back of my brothers bike as he drove me to UA. It was so early in the morning I was barely awake but enough to keep my life and stay awake on my brother bike so I don't fall off. As he pulled up in front the school he took off his helmet as he and I hopped off and I gave him my helmet.

"Thank you, I'm sorry you'll have to drop me off every morning." I said as he took my helmet and placed it into his bike turning back to me.

"It's no problem, I like doing this and I'll always be with you, but mainly it is to escape uncle's morning sex moaning that he does. But I love you enough to do this and see my brother off every day." He said pulling me into a hug, as I laughed and hugged him back.

"I love you to Kazuni." I said as I let go from the hug.

"Love you too little bro, call me when your done, we have to go somewhere after school." He said getting on his bike and driving of as I nodded as headed into school getting looks again. I put my blue-tooth headphones on and listening to Chainsaw by Nick Jonas.

I was walking through the halls to class 1A. Still getting stares....ugh, I wish the day was over already I could be spending time with with my overprotective uncle and clingy brother, or talk about unicorns with my uncle's. I sat down in my seat looking out the window listening to my music which was on random.

(After I met Nezu who just said who wanted me to be his personal student and then All Might came in trying to offer me his quirk witch I totally turned down. Hell no I don't want his power, find somebody else. But was still told to keep the secret of his power, like I have anyone to tell. Well it might slip out to my uncles and older brother, whatever.)

I pulled out my sketch book and started drawing different pro heroes, I took a hobby into start drawing people and animals. Uncle SM said it could be used as a way to relieve stress and anxiety. I heard other people entering and talking to each other, out the corner of my eye I saw a guy with purple unruly hair, he looked tired but had a great build... wait he was the guy along with the rude dick eater that tried to tell me off a week ago, wait I'm staring. I quickly looked away going back to my drawing of Present Mic.

"Midoriya please take your headphones off while your in class." I heard Mr. Aizawa say as I took off my headphones and placing them in my book bag.

"Sorry sir." I said said he nodded and went back to what he was saying but what I failed to notice is that Kacc-Bakugou was sitting in front of me. 'He got into this class' I thought as I looked back out the window. 'This is going to be a long year'.

"Put these on and meet me at ground beta." Mr. Aizawa said leaving the room with his yellow bright sleeping bag. I walk up about to grab my p.e. uniform as I heard talking but it was about me. I quickly grabbed my clothes and speed walked to to the locker room.

"What did I do wrong now?" I asked to myself not expecting to get a reply back.

"What do you mean?"

I looked toward the person seeing the purple haired guy from before. But this time he had his shirt off, OMG his abs. I looked away hiding my blush, but once my finger slightly brushed against the locker it turned into a King Cobra. I slowly back away hurriedly put on my p.e. uniform and ran out the locker passing the boys in my class that was headed to the locker room I suppose.

I made it to the field where Mr. Aizawa was who was waiting for us. I walked over to him but kept a distance looking down at the ground. The rest of the class came out seconds later some were glaring at me while others just didn't care or was paying attention to the teachers.

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