3 months of training

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My favorite ship is Spideypool, I like it don't judge me 😣😋

Izuku POV

I felt someone poking my cheek as I turned away from them.

"Wakey wakey dicks for breakfast." I heard uncle say as I got up as looked at him with a weird look. "What dicks are good especially when-" I put my hand over this mouth as I got up and to the kitchen seeing Kazuni and my other uncle cooking. I walked over giving both of them a hug and saying goodmorning.

"Morning to you too." Uncle said as he passed me a plate of food.

"Itakimasu" I said and ate the breakfast.

"Clean up so we can head to the beach." Kazuni said as I nodded and headed to my room and put on a simple yet movable out so I could work out it.

" Kazuni said as I nodded and headed to my room and put on a simple yet movable out so I could work out it

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I headed down stairs seeing Uncle DP pinned Uncle SM to wall while he was on his phone. I did make me laugh seeing how Uncle cringed.

 I did make me laugh seeing how Uncle cringed

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I don't own these photos.

I walked to Uncle pushing him away from the other, to the door away we walked to the beach with Kazuni behind us on his phone.

"Aww come on princess we were having fun."  He whined.

"You were having fun. But it was funny." I said chuckling as we made to the beach.

"Ok, I want you to run 3 laps up and down the beach." Uncle SM said as I nodded and dragged myself and started doing the workout and quirk practice, it was tiring but I pushed through. I mainly did my quirk on the ocean since you know don't what to hurt anyone but Uncle DP said I could do it on him since you know he can't die. "Your doing good, now do you think you could change your appearance?" He asked as I tried to think of a appearance I choose a unicorn so I could make Uncle laugh. As I did he shouted and hugged me.

"Well he learned it, how'd you learn it Izu?" Kazuni asked

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"Well he learned it, how'd you learn it Izu?" Kazuni asked.

"I thought of what I wanted to turn into." I said as Uncle was still hugging me.

"Cool, could you turn into a like a cool snake that has the eyes of a hungry predator?" He asked as I nodded and turned into it. Uncle ran behind Kazuni as I turned back into my normal self and laughed.

 Uncle ran behind Kazuni as I turned back into my normal self and laughed

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"Well I'm going to have nightmares tonight." Kazuni said the rest of the the three months was just kombat and learning weapons with Kazuni and Uncle DP, my other one had a lot of hero work but he was always there for breakfast and dinner. I love my family no matter what, why did Kacchan turn on me like I was another person, when I remember when I accidentally killed that boy people would talk behind my back or look at me as if I'm not a human being. Words that was confusing such as 'demon' 'murderer' 'he's still alive after what he's done' things like that but I was a optimistic person so I never knew until I looked it up. When I went back for when they had told the applications that's when all hell broke loose.

Flashback 😣

"Well here are your applications for your high school choices, what the hell to this you all want to get into UA!" Our tea her yelled as he threw the papers up and everyone started showing their quirks.

"Teach don't lump me up with bunch of extras, they cam get a job for some broken bust dealister." Kacchan said standing on his desk, smirking and made explosions come out his hands. Everyone shouted in complaints as usual. "I'm the only good enough person to get into that school from this shitty ass school." He said which made everyone shut up because 1 he kinda was telling the truth beside from his ego and all that but I was still number one when it comes to intelligence not combat, I can't fight for shit.

"Wait Midoriya you also applied to UA as well." Our teacher said as everyone looked at me and busted out laughing, well great, just great.

"You think some school would want a villain like you Deku?!" Kacchan said as he blasted me out the chair making me hit the back of the room, as I groaned in pain. "I'm the only person getting into that school so apply somewhere else Deku!" He yelled as I mumble asshole under my breath he gripped my shirt and told me to repeat it.

"I called you a asshole, you know Bakugou with your big ego and thinking your so much better than me and what not, I'm surprised you haven't actually killed me. You called me a villain, a Deku, someone worthless, useless, unwanted. But then again you have your fun why not do your job, being a fucking pussy all your life, actually I know your scared, scared that you'll lose, to lose your stupid motherfucking ego! NO YOUR TO BLIND TO KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOUR DOING BEING A HOT HEAD BITCH!" I yelled but my voice grew dark at the end like the devil came out of me. He punched me in the face leaving me on the ground as I smiled creepily. I packed up my stuff leaving the school still having the smiling on my face until I got home seeing mama and papa on the couch. They looked towards me and walked over seeing my brused face.

"Honey what happened?!" Mama yelled cupping my face gently but when she did it still stung as I whimpered.

"Kitten what happened?" Papa asked as he pulled me into a hug, as I let as the tears out into his chest. I fell asleep in his arms as I felt being picked up.

"Please stay safe Izuku." Was the last thing I heard.

Flashback over 😇👍

That's the constant memory that played over and I've run that memory in my head so much until it was the day before the entrance exam.

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Something is wrong with me 😔😓🙂

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