Escape, Run run run!

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This will be mostly in Izuku's POV unless I say it changes 😏 there will be some smut scenes with EraserMic and other ships. Uh no rape just abuse I don't like writing something about someone being forced to do something sexually other than that I'm ok with anything.....umm.... yeah so to the story.


My head hurts so much, like I been hit in the head with a hammer. I opened my eyes adjusting to the light in the room, once my vision became clear I was in a jail cell, I looked at my surroundings first looking at my arms seeing chains around wrist. 'Wow, no freedom what so ever.' I thought looking at my ankles seeing the same thing chains. *sigh* I hung my low waiting for anything. 'I wish I were out these chains and home' I thought to my self as black smoke covered my chains and me, closed my eyes, only to open them again seeing I was back home. I was in total confusion. 'Wasn't I just kidnapped?' I asked myself as I walked to my room looking at myself in the wall mirror on my wall, the only thing that changed was that I had a devil tail and horns. "Wow, well that changed a lot." I said to myself in no in particular.


I was about to walk and pack up my stuff because I can't stay here the villains would come back, but a voice caught me off guard as I looked towards my bed, seeing a guy who looked older than me by a few years.

"W-who are you?!" I asked a little surprised since he came out of nowhere.

"Is that anyway to treat your only brother Zu?" ??? said getting up and walking towards me and stopping just a inch away from me, a total height difference.

"What are you talking about?" I asked as he pulled me into a hug as memories flooded into my head.


'Come on, we can't be late its your first day of school Izu!"

'Your to fast Nii-chan!'

'Well you spend so much dancing and singing I'm surprised you can't run as fast as you dance."

'Whatever, Kazuni.'

'Come on, nerd.'


"K-Kazuni?!" I asked as tears rolled down my face, as he pulled me into a hug.

"I was scared you forgotten me Izu." He said mumbled into my fluffy hair, as I wrapped my arms around his torso and cried into his chest. "Still the cry baby I know." He chuckled as I softly hit his chest. "I already packed your things there at Uncle Deadpool house." He said as I nodded and pulled away from the hug, and he reached into his pocket pulling out a golden heart locket.

" He said as I nodded and pulled away from the hug, and he reached into his pocket pulling out a golden heart locket

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"Here I found this with a couple of other things but I'm only supposed to give you this now." He said handing me the locket as I opened it seeing me, mom, Kazuni, and dad at a park. I put the necklace on promising myself to never take it off.

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