- Frank II -

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- Frank II -

"Annabeth! Annabeth slow down," Sadie called, hurrying after her friend. We all chased after our friend. As she skidded on to the beach, a bow appeared in her hands seemingly from thin air, and she fired at the giant monster. It hit its side, making it roar and turn to her. It was a giant snake-like creature, measuring up to maybe 100 feet in length. Percy was on Blackjack, circling around the monster. Annabeth glanced around before her eyes settled on me.

"Frank, get me up there," she snapped and slid her bow onto her back.

"Annabeth, are you sure?" I asked, taking a step. She nodded and glanced back up towards Percy.

"Turn into a pegasus. Once you get me up there, I'll get on Blackjack, and then you can get Hazel and Sadie up there too. Thalia-"

"Me and Lavinia will stay down here," Thalia cut in. The pink haired girl nodded.

"Okay," I agreed and shifted into a pegasus. She pulled herself onto me and patted my side.

"You have to be careful, or else I could very possibly fall to my death. Okay?" she asked as I shook my wings out. I nodded my head in response.

"Then let's go." We took off and started to make our way towards Percy and Blackjack. The monster snapped its head in our direction and tried to wack us out of the sky, but we swerved just in time. Percy spotted us. He glared at us, or, me specifically.

"Don't worry, I won't let him hurt you," Annabeth reassured me. As I positioned myself over Blackjack, I neighed.

A goodbye; and a goodluck.

And with that, she dropped. Percy managed to grab her arms and swing her up onto the pegasus in front of him. I flew away as they started to argue, heading back down to the beach where the rest of the group waited. Hazel hopped on and pulled Sadie on behind her. "I have to admit this is a first for me," the british girl admitted.

"Well you've got to start somewhere," Hazel laughed, hitting my side gently. And with that, we flew into the sky.


"Annabeth, you were being irrational! I had it-" he groaned in pain. Annabeth was cleaning out the cut on his shoulder gently, with a nectar dipped cloth.

"You were the one who ended up getting hurt. And don't forget you lied and went to fight a giant, mythical sea monster," she argued and sat the cloth down.

"I didn't lie. I was putting wards up with Amara, when I got news of the sea monster. Bethie, I wasn't trying to keep it from you, I just wanted to defeat it as soon as possible. But you- what would have happened if I hadn't been able to catch you? You would have fallen to death," he hissed at her. She didn't say anything, but started to wrap up his cut.

"The battles have started around the borders. Percy, Annabeth, you are needed in the command tent," Jason announced as he came over. Percy pushed himself off of the ground, and Annabeth pushed him right back down.

"Your. Staying. Here."

"No. I'm. Not."

"Perseus Jackson-"

"Annabeth Jackson-"

"Percy this is serious."

"I'm not saying it isn't, just give me some ambrosia and it will be more than okay."

"It's true one time while we were on planet JWEG-18, he had a stab wound and still managed to take down 200 soldiers on his own," a random girl cut in. Percy winced and rubbed his thigh, remembering his old injury.

"Thanks for bringing that up Niomi. I'm absolutely fine, wise girl. Don't worry about me," he promised. Annabeth bit her lip.

"Fine. But if it hurts ever the tiniest bit..."

"I'll tell my gorgeous, brilliant wife, and she'll kick my butt. Now come on, they're waiting." She helped him up, and passed a small bit of ambrosia. He took a few bites of it before letting Annabeth wrap it back up.

"I'm still mad at you Frank. You let my wife go skydiving," He glared at me. Annabeth slapped his arm, shooting me an apologetic look.

"Cut it out Percy. Frank's our friend, and he was helping me. You know, intimidating your daughter's godfather isn't a great quality" she hissed. Percy sighed, and glanced at me apologetically.

"Sorry Frank. I'm just a little over protective."

"You don't say?" I joked. He nudged me but couldn't hide the smile pulling up the corner of his lips.

"I missed you Percy. I only knew you for 3 months, but you left an everlasting imprint on my heart," I laughed dramatically.

"Yeah it's weird. We didn't know you that long but because of all the stories, it's like we knew you for ages," Hazel laughed from next to me. My whole face softened at her voice, and I laced my fingers with hers. Our group slid into the canvas tent, and dozens of heads turned to us.

"Percy you absolute idiot! You went against a sea monster by yourself?" Silena scolded, hurrying over to her friend. Annabeth stepped back to let Silena check him over.

"Lena, don't worry. Annabeth fixed me right up," he reassured her. Silena's eyes darted to Annabeth, and then back to Percy. She spun him around to check him over, before poking his wrapped shoulder. He winced and pulled away from her.

"Gods Silena don't be such a mama bear. I'm fine I swear!"

"You don't take care of yourself well enough."

"Why does everyone think that!" he cursed, grabbing Annabeth's hand and pulling her over to the table.

"Because you don't, seaweed brain. I'm with Silena on this one," she laughed and pressed a kiss on his cheek.

"If you are done, we need to talk strategy," Luke scoffed amusedly. Annabeth gestured for him to continue.

"The main area where the monsters are focusing is around Thalia's pine. Percy I think you should go and get rid of as many monsters you can with your blood and earthquake powers. Annabeth you can go with him, don't worry." Annabeth nodded gratefully.

"Where should the rest of us go?" Hazel asked from next to me.

"Wherever you think you're needed," Zoe said.

"Do we have any casualties in the army so far?" Percy asked.

"Only about 15. I don't know all of them but it includes Simon and Addy from sector H, Robin from sector C, And Evangeline from sector J." an Irish guy answered. Percy sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

"Oh gods, Emma is going to be heartbroken," he mumbled.

"Who's Emma?" Piper questioned from across the table.

"Evangeline's daughter," Zoe supplied. Piper winced and nodded.

"Well let's just get out there and hopefully stop more deaths."

AN: Another filler! After this there will be two more chapters, plus an epilogue (which I have so many Ideas for!) Would anyone be intrested in a mini book of oneshots that went along with the story (Like Percabeth in the Grey Room, or Percabeth when Annabeth gave birth, or Percy and Bianca friendship?) Please comment and let me know. XOXO, Alexandra

1,100 Words

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