- Silena I -

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- Silena's POV. -

I paced the room.

"Rachel could not have spouted a more confusing prophecy!" I groaned. Charlie but a hand on my arm and I glanced at him.

"We'll figure it out, Silena," Clarisse promised.

"Those poor kids. They're seven for Zeus's sake, and they are already in a prophecy!" I ranted. "And Percy finally gets back to his Pratitya-samutpada, and then they get put into a memory coma! Je ne peux même pas commencer à expliquer à quel point c'est injuste! Pourquoi lui? La seule personne qui est toujours là et qui a traversé la pire merde. Il a besoin d'une pause. Je vais tuer tout putain de quiconque se met entre Percabeth. C'est le plus heureux que j'ai vu Percy depuis des décennies. Ces salauds pensent que je suis facilement jetable? Voyons à quel point je suis facilement jetable lorsque je m'y fends la gorge avec des daggars. Cette merde craint(1)." I ranted.

"Entendre entendre, soeur," Piper muttered under her breath. The doors pushed open and Chiron walked in. "

Okay. Everyone sit," he commanded. "This prophecy is going to be big. So there's a chance we're gonna be here all night. Now, the first line!" he instructed.

"Legacy's retracing the past's steps" Nico called.

"That's obviously Charlie and Luke. But what is the 'past's steps'?" Thalia wondered out loud. When no one answered, another voice rung out

"All the way back to before they met," Will continued. It was quiet for a minute.

"Who is 'they'?" Luke asked. I shrugged.

"Maybe it will become clear with the rest of the prophecy. Next line," Chiron said. He was rubbing his temples, exhausted.

"Time speeds up in the realm of sleep," Charlie said from next to me.

"Could that be wherever Percy and Annabeth are stuck? Because in my dream it was this dark cave thing. Is that what it means?" Leo asked, tapping his fingers on the table. That caught my ADHD's attention for a second. I wonder how the Pegasi are doing?

"Well then that's not good for Percy and Annabeth. What if they age like, 60 years?" Chris pointed out.

"But it says that with the time speed up, it will reveal the answer. So it can't be that bad," Zoë pointed out, and then continued.. "Upwards, downwards, the pacific northwest, is where the 18 shall end the quest,"

I said, groaning slightly at the lines. "That is literally across the country. How are we supposed to get there? And with 18 people, nonetheless," I ranted and everyone nodded in agreement.

"And who's going anyways? Other than the twins," Jason questioned.

"We'll figure it out," Piper reassured them. She laced her fingers with the blonde and gave him a small smile. One part of me wanted to tell them to focus, but the daughter of Aphrodite wanted to shove them into an empty cabin.

Chiron interrupted my thoughts. "Memory dies at the end of the sword, Dipped in the Lethe after being reborn." he said. No one spoke up.

"Well Mnemosyne dies. That means Percy and Annabeth wake up for sure?" Hazel said, trying to be positive.

"But what about the sword thing?" Will asked.

"There used to be rumors about 5 different swords. One for each river of the underworld. They supposedly sat at the bottom of the rivers for years. Said blades are supposed to be able to kill their opposing titan or god. For example, the Cocytus sword could kill Euphrosyne. But the thing special about the blades was even if you killed the actual person, their domain would remain," Nico explained.

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