- Frank I -

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- Frank I -

When they finally vapor traveled through the gates to New Rome it was like a weight had been lifted off of his back.

"Hazel!" Lavinia called, running up to Hazel. "We got so worried when the other cohorts didn't come back. And then we couldn't get into contact with camp and-" she ranted.

"Lavinia! Take a breath," Hazel commanded and patted her back. "We're okay. We took some heavy losses, but camp Halfblood is still standing. And look who's on their first quest!" Hazel said happily, stepping to the side to reveal Charlie and Luke.

"Lavie!" the twins coursed in sync. They tackled her in a hug.

"Coco! Lulu! I missed you," Lavinia cried happily and picked the two up. They started to talk at the same time, creating a jumble of words that the pink-haired girl obviously was obviously having a hard time listening to. When they finally stopped they were panting. "I'm gonna be completely honest I did not get a word you said," Lavinia deadpanned.

"DADDY CAME BACK!" Charlie yelled happily.

"Wait, like Percy Jackson? The Percy Jackson everyone talked about? The Percy Jackson who had the nose bleed that woke up Gaia?" she deadpanned.

"He's touchy about that topic you shouldn't bring it up," Silena cut in, eyes sweeping around the valley that is New Rome.

"Wait, I'm confused. Who are you? Where was he? And where is Annabeth?"

"Silena Beauregard, at your service. Percy is the commander of Chaos's army. He's been with us for over 1,000 years," Silena answered for her.

Lavinia opened her mouth to say something before closing it again. "Actually we can talk about this later. You two look hungry, let's get you some food," she said happily and gestured for us to follow her.

"Was there any attacks on camp when we were gone?" I asked as I caught up to her.

She shook her head.

"Nothing major. There were definitely a few monsters trying to get in through the wall but about the same amount as normal."

"We got kidnapped," Luke blurted. Lavinia blinked and looked at me for proof.

"Kronos/Saturn was using them against Percy and Annabeth. But they're fine now. That's actually the way we got here! Percy was teaching them how to use their powers and now they are probably more powerful then some full grown demigods," I explained.

"Dang i've missed a lot. Are you guys crashing at Annabeth's house or you and Hazels?" she asked.

"Our house, our house!" Charlie begged, whipping out the puppy dog eyes. Damn it, she knew no one could resist them when they did that. Except Annabeth. She had been ignoring sea-green puppy dog eyes for years before the twins were born.

"Cool beans. I'll alert the senate that you're here after we get hot coco," she offered.

"Why yes I am very hot," Charlotte joked and grinning at her pink-haired friend.

"Charlie! You've been spending too much time with Leo," I scolded.

"YOU CAN NEVER SPEND TOO MUCH TIME WITH ME!" Leo screamed from the back, and the whole group cracked up.


"Seems like they've really grown up," Hazel mumbled as she watched the twins. They had run into some of their school friends and were playing tag happily outside.

"I can't believe Annabeth and Percy are asleep," Lavinia groaned, banging her head on the table. "Charlie and Luke don't deserve this. And Annabeth is gonna miss classes."

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