- Hazel II -

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- Hazel II -

I watched as the Lukas talked to Magnus.

"They look so happy," Frank murmured, wrapping an arm around me. I leaned into him.

"Did you see them fighting? They're more experienced than some of the 12 year olds in the legion," I grinned. He kissed my scalp.

"Do you remember 3 years ago, how Luke jumped into the lake and no one could get him out for 8 hours," I chuckled.

"I know! What about that time they got in a fight and Charlie punched Luke in the eye?" he grinned.

"He had a Black eye for a week!"

"And then Annabeth locked them in Cabin, and forced them to make up," he remembered. I hesitated for a second.

"Annabeth is such a good Mom. Remember how cute they were after their birth? Those two had both camps wrapped around their tiny fingers within a week," I whispered.

"Not to mention the Greek Gods. They have Percy's charm, for sure," he added.

I glanced around for Charlie. We locked eyes, and she hurried over to us.

"Did you know about us having 4 godparents?" she questioned breathlessly.

I shook my head.

"We didn't even know Annabeth had a cousin," Frank admitted. She sighed.

"I know we're so lucky to have so much family, and maybe it's a little selfish... but another godmother? I really wanna meet her," she admitted quietly. I pet her head reassuringly.

"Go talk to him. He said he knows her name," I said softly. She hesitated for a brief second before turning and tapping him on the shoulder. He turned, grey eyes shining.

"Charlie! What can I do for you?" he grinned.

"You said you know who my other godmother is?" she asked abruptly. He shot her a soft smile.

"Yeah. Her name is Sadie. She lives somewhere in Brooklyn, and that's all I know," he promised. Charlie's face fell.

"Isn't the phone number Annabeth left in the note a Brooklyn number?" Leo questioned. We all snapped our heads to him.

"Did you just say something... helpful?" Nico deadpanned.

He glared playfully, pulling the note out. "You guys don't happen to have a phone, do you?"


The phone rang a few times before someone picked up.

"Hello?" a groggy voice asked. "This is Carter. What can I help you with?"

Charlie hesitated. "Um... Is there a Sadie here?" She questioned nervously. It was quiet for a second, until a female voice rang out. "Oh gods don't tell me she's been gambling again!" The girl had a egyptian accent, and did not sound happy.

"No, No! Um... She's my godmother?" It was quiet for a few more seconds.

"Oh gods! SADIE! It's Charlotte!" He yelled. "Charlotte! Charlie? You like to be called Charlie right?" he asked frantically.

"Um, yeah. Who are you?" she murmured.

"I'm Sadie's brother, a friend of your mom. If you're calling then... oh gods i'm so sorry for your loss," he said softly. I butt in.

"She's not dead. It's a really long story," I reassured the man. He sighed in relief.

"Where are you guys right now?" the girl from before asked.

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