- Lukas IV -

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- Lukas IV -

I skipped through the pavilion, hand in Mama's. We stopped at the Poseidon table. Auntie Thalia and Uncle Grover were lazily talking as they ate, but they smiled as we approached.

"I heard you guys were having a family snuggle session earlier," Thalia teased.

Charlie slid off of Dada's back as he sat down next to Grover.

"Well yeah Pinecone face, that's something that families do," he shot back, taking a sip of some water.

"I like having Dadda around. Except for all of the kisses," I grinned.

Mama flushed under the look Thalia and Grover shot her.

"Well excuse me for wanting to kiss my soulmate," Dadda laughed, scrunching his nose up at me. I grinned at him.

"So is now a good time to ask questions about our new niece?" Grover asked, munching on a tin can. Mama nodded, rocking my sister.

"Okay, here we go; Full name, godparents, how long did the birth last, do your parents know, and has she been to Olympus yet?" Thalia fired off. Mama and Dada exchanged a glance and exchanged a knowing smile.

"Bianca Damasen Jackson, after Bianca and Damasen. We're going to ask Hazel, Frank, Nico, and Estelle to be the godparents. The birth lasted 28 hours, and she was born on September 1st. We honestly don't know if our parents know, and no, she hasn't been to Olympus," Mama answered.

I cooed down at the baby. "Bibi," I murmured. Then an idea hit me. "Mama, why don't we go to Olympus after seeing Grandma Sally! Then we can get all the presents."

"We can come with you. I need to talk to Artemis anyways," Thal-Thal suggested. Dadda shrugged, glancing towards Mama.

"Works for me."


Mama was gripping Dadda's hand. Their eyes had gotten cloudy, and breath deep.

"Daddy?" Charlie asked nervously.

"I'm sorry Coco. We just don't like elevators," he gritted out, clenching his eyes. The door dinged, and they rushed out of the doors.

Dadda took Bianca out of Uncle Grover's arms. She gurgled, starting to suck on his thumb.

"Is your mom gonna be mad, Seaweed Brain?" Mama asked quietly. She laced her fingers with his and he was quiet for a second.

"Well last time I told her I had secret children she threw a pillow at me. So i'd say 50/50 odds," he admitted. We made our way down the hall, stopping at the door. "Charlie, Luke, you should go first. She's less likely to get violent if she knows you're there." And with that, Dadda knocked on the door three times. It swung open.

"Charlie! Luke! Your back! And Percy and Annabeth your-" Grandma Sally's eyes landed on the baby.

Her mouth opened and closed a few times.

"Perseus Jackson. If you have come here to tell me that somehow in the past two weeks you knocked Annabeth up- no offence sweetie- and had yet another secret child, we are going to have a problem" she said calmly.

Dadda nodded, forcing an awkward half smile on his face. "Mom, this is your granddaughter, Bianca Damasen Jackson. Annabeth and I are dating again, and the primordial being of literal hell is after us," he said happily and nudged into the apartment.

Mama smiled apologetically at grandma before herding us in.

"Grandma, we went on our first quest! And when we came home, we found out about our new sister," Charlie gushed.

Grandma blinked again, stepping aside.

"Hey Mrs. Jackson-Blowfis. I got shot with a poison arrow," Auntie Thalia grinned.

Grover just sighed.

"Stella, come meet your new niece!" Percy called and collapsed down on the couch.

Grandma pulled Mama in for a hug, and whispered "I have no idea how you put up with him all these years."

Dadda clucked his tongue in protest. Charlie and I sat down next to him, when Aunt Estelle came running in.

"PERCY! You're not dead! And you have a new baby!" she squealed happily, hopping onto the couch on the other side of him.

"Not dead yet Stell. This is Bianca, your niece. And I have a very important question to ask you."

Auntie Estelle tilted her head.

"Would you be Bianca's godmother?" Dad finished quietly.

Estelle didn't say anything for a second, before squealing and tackling her mother. "Mommy, i'm a godmother!" she cried and grandma shook her head in exasperation.

"Everyone sit. You too Grover, even though I know you would never do anything wrong," Grandma said sweetly. Mama scooted down in between Charlie and Dadda.

"I'm so sorry for him Mrs. Jackson-Blowfis, he's just a seaweed brain," she snickered, putting a hand on his thigh.

"But i'm your seaweed brain, right wise girl?" Mama's face twisted into a grin.

"Yeah. Yeah you are." I smiled at Mama and Dadda.

They both seemed so happy. Mama hadn't grinned like that in a long time.

"Okay so are you going to explain how this child has come into your possession? And side question, do we need to have the talk again? All three of us?" Grandma sighed as she rubbed her temples.

Uncle Grover let out a laugh but covered it with a cough. 

"Yes, pleaseeee. Please give two 25 year olds the talk," Thalia cheered, sitting down on the couch. Bianca wailed in Dadda's arms and spat his thumb out, so Mama took her from him.

"Babe I'm gonna go breastfeed. Can you get your mom caught up?" she asked quietly. Dadda nodded and pressed a quick kiss onto her lips.

And with that, the 6 of us started explaining. We explained the battle and the quest and the sleep realm. We explained the details about Bianca's birth and the recent Ping-pong meeting. And then 35 minutes later, when Daddy had finished up already and was now eating blue cookies, Mama returned.

"I'm sorry that took so long Mrs. Jackson-Blowfis," she apologized and received a glare back.

"If it was Sally when you were a kid, it's Sally now, Annabeth. That goes for you as well Thalia and Grover," Grandma scolded.

Mama smiled, sitting back down next to Dadda.

"And i'm really happy for you two. You deserve this more than anyone or anything. But I expect lots of visits from my favorite son," she chided. Dadda scrunched his nose up.

"Uh, mom? I'm your ONLY son."


We left the apartment with tubs of blue cookies, and 4 grinning adults.

"I honestly forgot how cool your mom is," Grover mumbled, stuffing cookies into her mouth.

"Right? And don't forget, Sally literally murdered her abusive husband. If she's not the best mom ever, I don't know who is," Aunt Thalia agreed.

"Okay, everyone grab hands," Dad directed as we got into the lobby.

And in a second, we had vapor traveled to the lobby of the empire state building. Mama walked over and talked to the guy at the desk for a second. She waved us over and passed Thalia a key card.

"Let's get this over with."

A/N:  Who do you want to have more POV's? And yes, this chapter is short and rushed. I just really needed some Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, and Grover scenes. XOXO, Alexandra <3

1,161 Words

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