Chapter 22.

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~Shivani's POV~

I woke up with an annoying voice. My alarm. I glanced at my phone and it was 8:45am. Time to go back to my home. After what feels like ages, I'll be visiting my family. A family who loves me. A family who cares for me. A family who would never do anything that will break my trust.

I took a long-warm shower to relax my muscles. I slipped a turtle-neck peach top following with my navy blue jeans and tying my hair in a loose ponytail. I didn't bothered packing clothes cause I'd already left some back at my home.

I haven't informed anyone about me visiting them. This will be a surprise to them. Everyone back at home will be so happy to see me. But the first thing I'm going to ask them is that, why they didn't bothered calling me or didn't even send a text to me asking my whereabouts or how I'm managing here.

I decided to meet Shrey once before leaving, so I went to his room and knocked the door. Once, no response. Twice, nothing. Third time I banged the door with my fist. And the door burst open revealing a shirtless Vicky.

"What the fuc--" He paused when he noticed who was standing in front him. I noticed his bare chest and quickly turned around, covering my eyes in embarrassment. "Oh shit! Hey Shivani. But why turning around?" He asked. Isn't he aware that he's shirtless?

"Hi." I said. "Mind wearing a shirt?" I asked.

"Oh! I don't have any problem in flashing my abs in front of anyone. Btw you can come in." He opened the door enough, so that I can get in.

I obeyed and stepped inside Shrey's room, expecting to see Shrey. Instead, my eyes landed on bare chest's of four boys-Nakul, Danish,Rohan and Shrey. Instantly, I turned around and saw Vicky. A frustrating growl escaped from my lips.

Laughter erupts in the room as I cover my eyes with my palms.

"What's wrong?" Danish asked.

"Wear your shirts idiots!" I yelled, feeling embarrassed.

"Sure." Everyone said.

A few seconds later, I heard a "done" from everyone. I turned around with my palms still covering with eyes. Once I saw them all dressed I quickly removed my hand.

"Good Morning." All said.

"Morning." I replied. "Why were you all roaming shirtless here?" I asked.

"Cause we just came back from gym. We were about to take a shower when you knocked." Danish shrugged.

"Taking shower all together?" I widened my eyes.

"Eww! No. That's something I'll call gross if I take a shower with these assholes!" Vicky scrunched his nose in disgust. Everyone send death glares to him.

I giggled.

"So, any specific reason coming over here?" Shrey asked.

"Oh hi. I haven't noticed you here." I joked. He narrowed his eyes and I thought to end joking. "Just kidding. Actually I was visiting my mother for a week, so I just thought to meet you once before leaving." I said.

"You're leaving now?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"And how are you going there?"


"No." He said.


"No. You're not going by a cab. I'll drop you." He said.

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