42. Desperation Leads To Denial & Lil Bit of Them.

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Thank you for all the birthday wishes. I really feel grateful. 

With 'Them' I mean Them. Not Shrey and Shivani, but Them.


'Ms. Shivani Arora, will you go out on a date with me?' The silk-like voice echoed in her ears the moment they escaped from his delicious pink lips. Her breathe hitched as she stared at him.

Her browns staring at his hazels.

'Shall I go' The more she stared at him, the more confusing thoughts flooded her brain. 'Wouldn't it be okay if she just blurts a 'Yes' and end these confusing thoughts. Wouldn't it okay if she just gives a chance to him?'

Shivani was sure of the fact that the guy standing in front of her—waiting for her response with such a sincere eye—would never ever hurt her or her feelings, both mentally and physically. She also realized that it was futile to compare Aryan and Shrey with each other. Both guys where genuine and nice for her. Neither one of them had ever hurt her nor they will.

Aryan was genuine with his feelings for Shivani and he himself confessed everything to her before it was too late and was happy that he didn't hurt her feelings. Fortunately, Shivani held no grudges against him and their relationship as friends is running smooth now with often phone calls and text messages.

The thing Shivani hated most in a relationship is when the male dominates the relation. When the male on thinks he is superior and can do anything he wished. This is extremely unfair and stupid. While being in a relationship, it takes two of them to make it run smoothly without any hindrance. Just like it takes two palms to erupt the sound of a clap. She didn't saw Shrey as behaving like a dominant. Even if she wanted, she just couldn't.

She always saw him respecting her wishes, her opinions. Specially, respecting her. And what else would a normal girl ask for? Nothing.

A tug on her sleeve brought her back from her thoughts.

Shrey felt a crack forming in his chest as he waited for her response. The more he waits, the wider the crack spreads. He needed her to say something—anything.

'What was making her take so long?' Negative and nervous thoughts formed in his head. 'Doesn't she like me?' He immediately shook his head, throwing away such thoughts. His smile faded as he watched her avoiding eye-contact.

Shivani looked everywhere except his eyes. "You don't like me?" He blurted out his thoughts.

The sentence made Shivani widen her eyes. She immediately shook her head, mumbling a 'No' in the process.

"You aren't answering me, Shivi. And I'm not feeling quite good with your silence treatment." He opened to her as she stared at him with some unknown emotions.

"You don't need to feel bad, Shrey." She assured him, squeezing his hand. "I—" She paused, unsure of how to express herself. "I—I like you, Shrey." She closed her eyes shut, nervous and excited for his reaction. "I do." She whispered—more like to herself—but was audible for Shrey to hear.

The hands holding hers were pulled away and arms wrapped around her small frame, caging her. Shivani shakingly wrapped her arms around his torso, hugging him back. She let out a sigh as she rested her cheek against his shoulder.

"Fuck." He muttered as he placed his chin on top of her head. He felt relieved after hearing her confession. Now, there was no doubt about her liking him or not.

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