39. Old Lady's Words.

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She sat near the lake, jeans folded up till her knees and legs dangling in the cold water. Thankfully, the park was small and though there is a small pond, they don't have fishes in them. A smile appeared on her lips as she saw kids whining as their guardians dragged them outside the park.

It was getting quite dark too yet she sat there, noticing people were still walking around. She closed her eyes, humming a soft tune and enjoying the peaceful environment.

A ping sounded from her phone, breaking her moments of peace. She frowned. Its been long since she received any mails. In the initial days, she hoped for receiving something from the other end but the hope died as the days turned into months and this thing literally caused her stressed.

She crossed her fingers, hoping for something positive. She tapped on the notification, opening her mail box. She read the sender's ID and squealed.

A huge grin broke out as she opened the mail with her shaky fingers.


Ms. Arora,

We are pleased to confirm, you have been selected to work for S.K.S Groups Pvt. Ltd.We are delighted to offer you the position of working as an Assistant Secretary with an anticipated start date of 20th August 2021.

The appointment letter is attached in the end of the mail. We hope to see on 16th August 2021, Monday to discuss about your salary and work. Kindly, pay a visit to the office.

We are looking forward to seeing you achieve great things here.


S.K.S Groups Pvt. Ltd.

Her smile widened as she came to the end. She finally got accepted for her job. Shivani couldn't believe her eyes. How can she get accepted at such a reputed company?

Rubbing her eyes with the back of her palms, she re-read the mail. Indeed, she was accepted to work in S.K.S Groups. No matter what position she was in, she was happy to at least get a job. Working as an Assistant Secretary is cool too. She just have to type mails, attend the clients and help the secretary. That's it.

S.K.S Groups is a reputed company in this state. The media and paparazzi says; after loads of hardwork and sleepless nights, the owner of the company had established the company. The owner is said to be known for his hard work and smile. Yeah, smile. S.K.S Groups have a great owner. He is said to be the sweetest person you've ever met.

And Shivani is just waiting to meet them.

Her happiness was beyond everything. She just wanted to hug someone to tight!

She looked around only to found strangers everywhere. And they might think psycho of her if she just went hug their life out of them. Finding no one, she ran towards the only thing she found that wouldn't call her 'psycho'.

She wrapped her arms around the trunk, pressing her cheeks against it and felt the roughness of the trunk. She sighed and closed her eyes shut, hugging the tree she found in the park.

"I finally got it!" She whispered.

S.K.S Groups was the last company, she'd applied to. She never thought she would get accepted. One thing was sure. She is now tension-free. No financial tension is going to eat her brain.

Loosing her arms around the trunk, she walked back towards the pond. She decided, she would break the news to Jiya once she gets to dorm.

The first thing she would do when she'll get her first salary, was to buy a small apartment for her and Jiya. Its about time, when the administrators will kick Jiya out of the dorm.

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