Dear Reader.

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Dear Reader,
(No, sadly its not a chapter)

Hi, how are you guys doing?

 I've an announcement to make. More like ask a question and your opinion and discuss something.

All of us, me included, know that I've been very very very irregular with the updates of Feeling The Greys and I genuinely apologize for it and I want to correct my mistake that I made by leaving you guys stranded in the middle of the story.

Recently I decided to continue writing but when I sat down and read all the past chapters to see where I stopped and from where I've to continue, I went through all the chapters and realized the mess I've created in few chapters. And if I start fixing them, I'll mess it up even more. 

So, I'm writing this to tell you guys that I've decided something and want to know what you guys think about it because its YOU guys who showered Shrey and Shivani and everyone else in this story with your love and every other emotions, somehow making yourselves a part of this story too.

What I want to say is that I've decided to discontinue this story. Kind off.

I'm thinking of rewriting Feeling The Greys with the same characters, same story line, same scenes and with the same feelings. The only thing that'll be missing will be the unnecessary scenes and trust me when I tell you I know what scenes you guys loved the most and it will be cruel of me to remove them, so I won't.

The background or set or whatever they call it will be changed a little but the Wonders University will stay the same and our boys too.

From Shrey's mischievous paper exchange to our Shrey and Shivani spending their first night together to their first proposal, everything will be the same. Just with better writing, I hope.

Also, looks like I've some issues of not updating for a long time, I will not be taking any risks and stretch the new version. I'll keep it short, like within 30-40 chapters long. Long enough that I'll cover everything and won't keep anything out.

But the confusing thing is, Where should I write it?

And here are some options that are running in my mind, fighting to get chosen and they want your help.

1. I unpublish all the chapters and start uploading the new ones as I write.

2. I edit the current chapters. But that would create a lot of confusion for new readers.

3. I delete the entire story and start a new one, a revised and sincere version of FTG.

4. I keep the current one the same and start with a new story.

Am I confusing you guys?

Here's a summary of what I plan on doing :

I can unpublish all the chapters but keep the story and upload new chapters? Or I can keep all the chapter titles and just edit it? Or delete the current FTG and start writing a new revised version of it? Or keep the current one as it is and start a new FTG, like discontinue as in stop the updates (that's what I've been doing for a year, anyways) and take a new template and write there so if anyone of you wants to come back to the old one to feel some nostalgia can read it? And later, if you guys like the new one and if the new one is better than this current one, then I'll come back here and delete this.

Help me decide before April 26th, so I can start writing.

I really hope and wish you guys love the new version because I am very excited about it. Especially for two new characters. *wink wink*

Thank you.

K loves you. 

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