35. Good Night.

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Missed Shrey? ;)


"Now what?" Jiya groaned. 

"I'll try again." I whispered. 

Its been almost thirty minutes since I've been dialing Ved, of course with Jiya's phone. But that fat brain isn't picking up. 

"Shivani, maybe he's sleeping right now. Like normal human being." Jiya said. 

"Yeah, but he should at least pick his phone." I tried again. 

'The number you have dialed is not answering. Please try later.'

This same boring robotic line is being repeated, continuously from past thirty minutes. And, now, its annoying me as well as Jiya as hell. 

I know, the whole human species is sleeping right now, but can't they answer their goddamn cell phone. Arrgh!

"Did he?" Jiya asked. 

Shaking my head, I sighed. I guess we have to spend our night here, on this silent-dark driveway. 

"Think something." Jiya groaned. 

"I think, we've stay here for the rest of the night. Anyways, after two hours its going to be day." 

"But, I can't stand for straight two hours." 

I looked down at her legs and then looked away, thinking of someway. 

"Its true. You shouldn't stand for these lo--" I was cut off by an enthusiastic squeal. 

"IDEA!" Jiya whisper-yelled. 


"Have you ever tried climbing any tree?" She asked.

"Maybe, I don't remember." I replied. 

"One must know how to climb a tree. You'd never snuck out?"  

"Me? Sneaking out?" I asked. "Never." I lied. 

I remembered, the night I'd snuck out of the Arora mansion, which didn't turn well. Of course that Javier and everything. Pheww!

Telling her about me sneaking out of Arora mansion, is the last thing I would do. 

"Okay, no problem. You'll be doing it tonight." She clapped her hands. 

"What do you mean?" I asked, confusing lacing in my voice.

"What I mean to say is that you will be climbing that pipe which goes straight up to Dev's room. Now." She said. 

I shook my head, continuously. My eyes widened as her words registered. "I. Am. Not. Doing. That." I said. 

"Oh my lovely sister, You. Are. Doing. That." She smiled, not-so-innocently. 

"No, Jiya. I won't do that. Hell, I'm not doing that. What if I fall? What if we choose wrong pipe that makes me land straight in Mr. Rathore's room?" I shook my head. "No."

"Please, Shivani." I shut my eyes, ignoring her pleas. 

"No. No means no." I said, crossing my hands over my chest. 

"Please big sister. I would've done that, but since I'm pregnant with a child stuffed inside my tummy. Please." 

"A female is always pregnant  with a child." I said. Not with a lizard, I thought. 

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