45. Can you kiss me more?

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A genuine smile appeared on her lips as the memories from that day flashed in front of her. She made a small twirl, looking at the decoration and the smile never leaving her face.

Several desks surrounding her as she stood in the middle. The dark room was illuminated by candle lights, cool breeze entering through the open windows making the white curtains fly messily. Two desks placed in the center of the room—joined opposite each other, lots of food systematically placed on them, a big red rose on top of it. Everything perfect.

She reminisced the day they first met. In this detention room.

She can't believe he brought her on a date in the place where they first met.

Soft music played in the background as she heard a throat clearing voice. Turning around, her delighted brown eyes met his nervous hazels. "Did you like it?"

As if she couldn't help herself, Shivani ran towards him, wrapping her arms around his neck. She whispers, "I love it."

"You did?" He asked, doubting himself.

Pulling away, she looked at him. "Yes." She looked at him, confused. "Why do you think that I don't?"

"Because, who plans their first date in a detention classroom?" He looked around the room.

"Maybe someone who met here for the first time." She smiled at him, bring one on his own lips.

"Let's sit?" He gently pushed her forward, towards the desk.

"Don't tell me we're going to sit on the same desk we sat on? That day?" She wiggled her brows as they both sat on the desks, facing each other.

"Unfortunately, no." Shrey shook his head, "They clean the desks after everyone's out." She nodded.

Resting her elbows on the desk, she leaned in, taking the surrounding once again. "Did you light these candles? All alone?" She looked at the wooden desks surrounding them, four candles on top of each desk.

"Hmm." He hummed. "Though, Nakul and Vicky helped me with other things and Rohan helped me with the food."

"Danish? What did he do?"

"That idiot helped in creating mess." He chuckled. "While lighting the candles, that stupid burned one of the curtains and then Nakul had to search the same curtains in the market which took him hours." He shook his head. "Danish had to hear a lot from him."

Shivani laughed; the voice felt magical to his ears. The soft music continued playing in the background, the cool breeze brushing through her hair as they both stare at each other. The calming sound of insects buzzing through the night.

A sudden thought appeared in her mind. "You didn't break into campus, right? Like were you allowed?" Shrey simply nodded at her questions. "They allowed us? Are we—are we even allowed to sit here?"

"Relax!" Shrey leaned in and clutched her hands in his, giving them a gentle squeeze. "Ved gave me the keys. Mr. Rathore had spare keys for emergencies which he forgot, so, Ved took them from his office. Long story short—"

Shivani cuts him off, "—he stole the keys."

"Y-yeah, kind of." He rubbed his neck, smiling shyly.

"That's not good, Shrey." She stared at him with wide eyes. "What if we get caught? They will scold us. Worse, suspend us."

"Shivi." He gave her hands another gentle squeeze, silently asking her kindly to shut up. "I have managed everything. No one will know we are here. Also, we are just having a date—" He rolls his eyes, "—not stealing something."

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