46. Life is like a Penis.

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Arms crossed, resting across my chest, I looked—more like glared—at the front road as the car rushed out of the campus building. My fists clenched and unclenched on its own accord, and I swear I've nothing to do with it. I guess, even they want to smash the grinning faces sitting behind.

Stealing a glance behind, my jaws clenched. They've no idea how many ways my mind has come up with to murder these two dumbfaces.

"Mission accomplished?" Nakul asked, his eyes focused on the dark road.

"You guys are shutting your mouths, this instant, or I'll make sure you two are never speaking again." I turned behind, glaring at them and trying hard not to look at the one sitting beside them. Seeing both nod their heads like an idiot, I turned back around.

"Mission failed then." Nakul bobbed his head, the action annoying me even more. I decided to ignore him, its better this way. If I open my mouth right now, the two sitting behind will be dead.

Tonight, would've been anything but not me sitting here in this car listening to them talking rubbish. I would've had an official girlfriend by now, I would've been kissing my girlfriend right now, hugging her, dancing with her, holding her palms, teasing her and again kissing her.

And some more kiss, cause I know once I'll get a taste, one wont be enough.

But they ruined it. The one whom I call my fucking friends, they ruined my night. And as if interrupting us wasn't enough, the assholes separated us in the car. They threw her at the backseat and climbed behind her, leaving zero space for me.

I was so busy shooting draggers at them, Nakul had to shove me to the passenger seat and since then I've been glaring at them, planning ways to—

My phone vibrates with a text— Shivi.

Shivi : Stop glaring. You don't look good.

I raised my brow and turned back, finally looking at her since we sat in this goddamn car. Her eyes were focused on the screen as she chewed her bottom lip. I stifle a groan and sit straight, trying hard not to think about her lips. The same lips I would've been feasting on if they wouldn't have showed up.

Shrey : I'm going to kill them.

I hit send, waiting for another text notification from her.

Shivi : Why? They saved us.

Shrey : Sure.

Shrey : Saved us and dug themselves a grave.

Shivi : Shut up. You should thank them.

I huffed and locked my phone.



Shrey climbed out of the car as soon as the car stopped in front of his building gates. He's had this scowl on his face since we left the campus.

"Ah! What an entertaining night." Vicky stretched his arms above his head, groaning as his muscles cracked. Shrey looked at him and huffed. His eyes turned towards me as he opened the car door.

"Come out." He said, holding the door open for me to step out.

Before I could get a word out, Vicky pulled me beside him. "Why? We'll drop her. No worries, brother."

"Shut it, idiot." He grumbled, gently pulled me out. "Will you stay for the night? With me?" He whispered, his eyes locked on mine.

"Shrey, its late."

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