28. Red Beauty

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Anyone who missed Shrey? Gotcha his POV (;    


SHIFTING my weight from one foot to other here I stood in from of my fancy closet, deciding what to wear tonight. One thing I can't do is mess up my image in my first college party. Neither I have revealing clothes nor I want to wear them. I can't even ask bhabhi to help me, cause I'm sure she'll knew that I'm going to a teenage party and then, I won't be allowed to go. Neither I can ask Jiya or Mrs. Arora, Shruti isn't home either. 

Closing the door of the closet, I made my way to the bed and threw myself over it, lying upside down. I opened my phone and began searching, what type of dresses girls usually wear in parties. 

Many results came within seconds. I scrolled down and down and down and finally stopped when I couldn't find anything of my type. Locking my phone, I closed my eyes to think of something. 

Should I call Sakshi?  Nah, she must be with Zaki.

Feeling my blood circulate in opposite direction, flowing from my leg and reaching to my head, I quickly sat upright. I breathe out a loud sigh and shook my head. I walked back to the closet and started my searching mission. 

A red cloth caught my eyes. 

I reached to it and pulled it out only to reveal that it was red skater dress. Instead of thinking, 'how it came here?' or 'who brought this?' , I decided to try this one.

Smiling to myself, I stood up in front of full-length mirror, holding the dress in front of me and examining myself. 

It actually looked good. 

It wasn't much revealing. The dress was red with three-quarter sleeves which ends till my elbow and the length was till my thighs. It was simple but had a small bow near the belly area. Perfect. 

It was already six, which means I have an hour to get ready. I quickly took a shower, dried myself and my hairs. 

Just as I was about to apply makeup, a quick thought rose in my mind. 

Will Mrs. Arora allow me to go?

Arghh! I slapped the makeup pouch on the desk, harshly.

What should I do now? She definitely won't allow me. 

Okay, lets think for a second that she allowed me to go. But what about her evil daughter Jiya?

She knows, I've never been to any college party. Its better to stay home instead of hearing her taunts. I shoved everything back inside my makeup pouch and went inside my room. 

Covering myself with a blanket, I decided not to go and sleep in my room, dreaming how everyone else will be having fun. Except me. 

This is what happens, when you are forced to stay in someone else's house. 


Tying the lace of my shoe, I grabbed my keys and made my way to the car. To say I was excited would be an understatement. 

I was more than excited. The bubbles or butterflies, whatever these girls call them, flying in my stomach gave me some girlish feelings. And I don't know the reason behind this. 

Is it because, Shivi is going to her first college party with me

I parked the my car in front of the Arora mansion. I decided to knock the door but did against it, I dialed her number. 

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