47. Dress Shopping

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*Jumps out from behind wall* BOO!!! Hello there lovely readers of Legolas and Erynriel!! *blushes* I've just reached the 23k read mark, thank you all so flibbity gibberty much! This chapter is set 2 months after the previous one, so about the beginning of May. 22 days left!



2 months after previous chapter*

Maethorhest's hand grabbed mine as she pulled me into the litte shop, a beautiful little shop that had dresses in the windows, surrounded by flowers and a small "Open" sign on the door.

I was already tired after my day out, shopping around the town with Maethorhest, looking for beautiful things to do with weddings and all things pretty. She insisted that everything we bought was nessasary. The bell chimed in the door, as we entered the shop.

It was empty, but peacfully empty, and smelth like blossom and fresh leaves. LIght streamed in on manequins with dresses on them, some of them white and some of them blue and green. I ran my hand gently over one of the skirts, and saw the beads glittering.

They sparked in the sunlight, that streamed in from outside. It had always been a mystery how sunlight could find even the darkest places like Mirkwood, that somehow it penetrated the roof and shone down.

Saddness prickled at me, about how much loss came from the War, about how much pain everyone had felt here. The dress felt soft, and I had to pull my hand away, as a sudden sad reminder of Imilda washed over me.

"Erynriel, would you like to see your dress?" Maethorhest called, and I nodded, and turned away from the memories. Not right now.

"Wait, actually, I have a better idea!" Maethorhest said, holding out her arm to stop me going into the room. She had a glint in her eye, and I looked at her suspiciously.

"Whaaat..?" I asked, as she smiled, and placed a finger to her lips. She took my hand, and spun me around, so I was leaning against her.

"Aaakk...!" I cried, as I almost tripped.

"Maethohest!" I yelled, and she laughed.

"Don't you trust me?" She said, grinning. I paused, and sighed.

"I don't even know, mellon." I smiled, and slapped her hand gently. She only laughed, and produced some fabric.
"Close your eyes..." She said, as she tied it around my eyes,as darkness enclosed me. I stood still, as she removed her hands and guided me into a room.

"You know, I would've just closed my eyes." I sigh in annoyance, as I hear her shut the door as I stand in what I pressume to be a large dressing room.

"But where is the fun in that?" She laughs, and I can almost imagine her mischievious glinting green eyes. I sigh.


After about half an hour, I finally stand in the room, in my dress. It took lots of time to undress me, as I didn't want to be stood naked in the room. The dress from what I had gathered was long, and I didn't really know what it looked like, other than it had off the shoulder sleeves and had a tight boudice.

I felt Maethorhest step back.

"Can I take this off now please?" I say, exasperated. I feel the material become lighter, and I blink in the brightness of the room. As my eyes adjust, I look at myself in the mirror, and I can't really believe what I am seeing.

The dress is like nothing I have ever seen before, so beautiful and elegant, it shouldn't even be on me. It's made of silk, and the skirt falls to my feet, in ripples and waves. Around my waist, there is a tie that falls into the dress.

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