51. My Queen

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Brrrrrr it's been so cold today, like minus 100000 degrees :/ but no snow and I am so sad about that :(

Aha anyways enjoy the chapter!

I stood by the gates, pacing backwards and forwards, waiting for King Aragorn to arrive.

He is staying for a few days, and wanted to see me personally he said. I remember him from all those moons ago, when I was journeying from Edoras to Helms Deep with the people of Rohan.

So much has changed since then.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of hooves, and over the horizon rode a single horse, with a man who bore shaggy hair.

I jumped up and down like a child, as he rode up besides me, and dismounted.

Without thinking, I hugged him tightly, as he hugged me back. I clung onto him, as his crown shone in the sunlight.

"Your majesty." I said, curtsying slightly. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

"I am your friend, not your King. You don't need to call me that. I'm still Aragorn." He said, as I smiled from ear to ear.

"I'm so happy for you, little leaf." He said, and I smiled again, and hugged him.

"I want to thank you, for everything you did to help me that day." I said, as he held me at arms length.

"You owe yourself to thanks, you're the bravest person I've ever met, the strongest and the brightest." He said. I could only smile more, as he took his horse inside, as we spoke more about the past, and about his kingdom.

Me and Maethorhest walked down into the woods, with bows slung over our backs. The sun beamed down from the holes in the roof, and the grass was starting to grow again.

She hummed a little song as we walked, as we reached a place I recognised. I small clearing in the trees.

"Hey, I remember this. This is where we lay that day when I told you about what I had said to Delielleth- you remember the Kings 'lover'." I said, and she laughed.

"Ahah, yeah I remember that, that was so funny." She said, as we both slung our bows into hand.

"You need to show me the ropes of the Guard, I am captain now." I say, as she draws and arrow back in the bow, and squints her eyes.

Releasing it, it hits the tree with a heavy 'clunk' sound.

"Sure, the Guards only train twice a week, but we train for like 7 hours so it's okay." She says, and I nod.

Suddenly, a movement catches my eye about 100 metres away, and I spot a rabbit in the trees. Carefully, I sneak forwards into the foliage, until I'm only 50 metres away.

Drawing my bow back, I breath in and out, and focus on the rabbits eyes.


The arrow soars thought the forest, and finds its home in the rabbits left eye. I lean back, proudly.

"How did you do that?" Maethorhest says, as she looks at me in somewhat awe.

I blush slightly.

"I'm not sure, I guess I've just leant over time." I say, shrugging my shoulders. She laughs and shakes her head, as we spend the entire afternoon shooting in the forest.

I lie next to Legolas, as I cling onto his side. I breath in and out, watching the rise and fall of his chest.

"Legolas, I hope one day I'll make a good Queen." I say, and he looks at me.

"Of course you will, melleth nîn, and I'll be right here by your side. We'll make Eryn Lasgalen truly great." He says, pulling me up closer to him.

"Hmm, hopefully." I mutter, and I kissed my ear top.

"Don't worry, that time isn't upon us yet, go to sleep now my love." He says, as I wiggle under the covers, and he wraps his arms around me.

Darkness pulls me closer, as I drift into sleep, hearing his heartbeat by my head. I didn't realise what love truly was until I met him.

His body was so warm, as I snuggled into him, feeling him protecting me.

Finally, for the first time in my life, I have a protecting home, somewhere that I know would defend me.

"You mean so much to me, Erynriel, you will always be my Queen." He says, as I finally let sleep consume me.

Oh gawd my authors notes are getting so boring, I never have anything to say in them.

Ho hum, never mind, I hope ya'll enjoyed that chapter, I hope you enjoyed the shooting and how amazing Erynriel is ;)

Idek if the song links work I doubt it does but the song that goes with this chapter is "(I can't help) Falling in love with you" - the Michael Ball version and not the reggie one.


~Am xx

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