Chapter 16

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Hamza Dawud

Just to update you all on my health, I am far less depressed than the last you heard from me. Alhamdulillah, things are working out now.

I sent the message on the family group chat after finally making a new and better plan with Amy. Or rather, listening to a much better plan that Amy came up with. Gosh it's difficult to against that woman, I'm so glad she's sorted things out herself.

Safia: The last I heard from you, you called me a fart face.

Hamza: No matter how depressed I ever get, you will always be a fart face to me.

Hafsa: What's with the dramatic message? We hear from you daily...

Aisha: Guys, look at this hilarious video!

Aisha, my oldest sister, proceeded to send a video which I did not watch. It had nothing to do with anything that we were talking about!


Yusuf: I do babes!


Faiza: Please keep the bromance private, it's making me sick.

Hamza: Your face makes me sick. Do you see me complaining?

Amy: Seriously guys, we have some news.

Faiza: Sorry Amy, what's up?

Hamza: Why does everyone take her seriously and not me?

Hafsa: Because your name Hamja.

A few laughing emojis followed this.

Hafsa: Sorry Amy, what's the news? Hammy said things are working out?

"Fine, you tell them since no one wants to listen to me," I said to Amy, pouting. We were currently sitting side by side on the sofa, Kaiser on the floor playing with some blocks. 

"Aww don't be jealous," Amy replied pinching my cheeks.

I honestly felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulder when Amy told me the whole story and how she wanted to give Kaiser back to Jasmine. The suggestion of giving the upstairs flat to Jasmine didn't bother me too much as it wasn't like Amy and I were ever going to have a massive family. I would be more than happy with one child, ideally a daughter but whatever Allah wills for us. One would be more than enough for me. And one portion of the house would be fine. I was used to a crowded house and I think the emptiness of this massive house we ended up with was contributing to my recent bout of feeling low.

As for Jasmine, I felt bad for her of course. But I didn't know her, nor did I have such a great view of her to be really upset about what she went through. But I could see Amy was. She kept blaming herself and I had to keep reminding her that this wasn't her fault in any way. How were we to know the extent of Jannic's evilness and manipulation?

I looked down to see a few more messages on the group chat.

Amy: I spoke to Jasmine and we're giving Kaiser back to her. Don't worry, she's definitely a good mother who's just had a really tough time.

Faiza: That's great news but does that means Kaiser's going back to Germany?

Amy: We still have him for now and it's going to take some paperwork but we've decided to give the upstairs flat to Jasmine and move into the downstairs flat ourselves so Kaiser should still be around.

Faiza: So we'll still be able to see him? Thank goodness, I love that kid!

I knew this news would affect Faiza the most. She would always take Kaiser home while Amy and I were working and took care of Kaiser the most after Amy and I. She's so naturally maternal just like her mum. We definitely took our relationship as milk siblings more seriously than being cousins and I will be forever grateful that Faiza and her sisters are my mahrams.

Samiya: What about Kaiser's dad?

Hafsa: She speaks?

Samiya, the youngest daughter of Aunty Asma, had a reputation for being really quiet and she barely even spoke on the group chat.

Amy: Good question Sammy. We're not entirely sure.

Faiza: What do you mean? If Jasmine's going to be living with you guys, what about the dad? I thought they both wanted Kaiser back? Also, I know you said she's a good mum but why did she leave him in the first place?

"Hamza, can you please help answer these questions instead of just reading everything?" Amy asked, exasperated. 

"Maybe we should have had this conversation in person instead of on the group chat," I said, though it was too late to suggest this.

"But then we would have had to go to four different houses to repeat the same news. This is much easier."

"True. Okay, I'll try and explain it to them."

Hamza: In a nutshell, Jannic - bad. Jasmine - good. Jasmine was trying to help her son, thought going away would be better for him. Jannic is crazy, she's getting a restraining order on him. Talking to Harris at the moment and trying to get this sorted but it's better for Jasmine and Kaiser to be away from Jannic. Living upstairs to us means extra security for them.

Hafsa: Oh, that is a good idea!

Faiza: Please give Jasmine my number in case she ever needs a babysitter for Kaiser!

"See, that wasn't so hard," I said to Amy. 

"It would be if you were writing that about Safia, wouldn't it?" Amy asked. I kept forgetting that Jasmine is her sister after all. All this time we've been married, I've only known her parents as no other family really kept in contact with her.

"Do you want to tell them the other news?" Amy asked me.

"No, I don't want to get their hopes up in case it doesn't work out," I responded. 

Only Yusuf knew of the the news as I'd spoken to him about the issue, confirming that it was allowed in Islam. Amy and I had decided to try IVF. I was very grateful to the doctors who were offering this solution to us as we'd realised the issue while we're still fairly young. But as optimistic as we were, we tried to make sure we didn't get too excited and hopeful as we were told that the chances of success were only 29%. 

All we could do was make du'a to be successful, and we did with our whole hearts but we had to remember that it's all in the hands of The Almighty and Amy and I would submit to whatever he decides.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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