Chapter 4

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Amy Faber

I was on the verge of making an appointment with the doctor, feeling more and more convinced that there was something wrong with me. At least if we found out, we could do something about it. But I almost forgot all my issues after one phone call.

It was the weekend and Hamza and I were doing our chores. He was sweeping while I put the finishing touches to the sitting room which was Adam and Maria's old room. It pained me to change it but Safia and Yusuf encouraged us to do so. They said it didn't make sense for us to waste the rooms if there wasn't anyone sleeping in them.

Hamza and I considered renting a room but we decided we preferred our privacy over making any extra money.

I was staring at the wall where there was a tiny faint hand print. I couldn't tell whether it was Adam or Maria's.

"Amy, your phone's ringing!" Hamza called from the next room.

"Pick it up, I'm coming!" I said, running out of the room.

"But it's your sister." Hamza handed me the phone with a confused look on his face. I, on the other hand, felt worried. I hoped things were okay and she was calling me just to catch up on life.

"Asal-" I started but then remembered she wasn't Muslim. "Hello?"

"Amy, help me," came Jasmin's voice from the other end. I felt myself freeze up.

"What happened?"

"I have to get away. I can't stay here anymore." She sounded like she was crying.

"What happened? Did Jannic do something?"

"He hit the baby. I can take it when it's me but not Kaiser."

"Why? Oh my gosh, where are you right now?"

"I don't know, I took some of his money and my own and I've just left. I don't know where to go or what to do. I don't know who to call for help. I've been isolated all these years."

"Okay, listen to me. Calm down. Take some deep breaths. Have you got enough money to get a flight or train here?"

"Yeah, I think I have just about enough if I get a bus to Brussels and then I can get a train."

"Okay, you do that. We'll pick you up from the station." At this, Hamza tugged on my arm, wanting to know what was happening. I put my hand up to stop him from talking.

"What if he finds me?"

"Just come, please. I'll help you, don't worry. You'll be fine."

"Why are you helping me? I didn't help you when you came to me after everything that happened with Jav."

"I've put all of that behind me. Forget about that. Just come, as quick as you can."

"Okay. I'll see you soon then."

"Okay, in'sha'Allah," I replied.


"Nothing. Just hurry now."

"Okay, I'll text you to keep you updated."

"Good. Take care." Jasmine hung up and I finally looked up at Hamza who was staring don at me with concern.

"What the flip is going on?" He asked. I took a deep breath to explain.

"Jannic hit Kaisar, their baby who's not even one yet so Jasmine's run away from home and I told her she could come here."

"What? Okay, that's a horrible thing for Jannic to do but how could you invite her here so suddenly. Without even thinking about it or speaking about it with me? What if Jannic follows her here? Why are we being dragged into this psycho's life? This could be dangerous."

"Well she's my sister, I have to help her!" I argued.

"Why? When you asked her for help, she shut the door in your face and cut of all contact with you!"

"But she's my sister and she has my nephew with her. What would you do if Safia asked you for help?"

"That's different. I know she'll help me if I ever needed it."

"Well I'm sorry my family aren't as amazing as yours but they're all I've got!" I shouted with tears in my eyes. Hamza frowned and pulled me against his shoulder. I pressed my face against it, hoping I wouldn't cry. He just held me silently for a while.

"I'm sorry," he whispered after a while. I was scared if I spoke, I'd cry so I didn't reply. "We could rent a room to them, I guess. Give her a discount if she'll let us play with Kaiser." This eased my worries a little.

"Thank you," I mumbled.

"Now tell me, what is it with people whose names begin with J? Yusuf's mum and brother, now Jannic... all psychos."

"Hey, I had a friend called Juweriya in school. She was lovely. The fact that the names of people we dislike most begin with J is a complete coincidence. Besides, I was thinking of more names for our children. Unique ones so they won't have to share names with anyone. I was thinking, Jazam's a nice name. Really unique. I've read that it means encourager."

"That sounds like a sound you'd read in a comic. Like kazam."

"That's not a word."

"No, it's a word for a sound. Like kapow. I'm sure it's used in comics when someone's done like a karate chop in the air. KAZAM!" Hamza did a karate chop in the air. I dug my fingers through his thick hair, smiling up at him.

"You're so weird. And before you say it, that's not what I love you for."

"What?" Hamza asked innocently.

"You were going to say, and you love me for it."

"But you do, don't you?" He asked, elbowing me.

"We need to get a room ready for my sister!" I said pulling Hamza by the arm to the guest room.

We got Jasmine's room ready, chatting away unaware that over the next few days, our lives were going to completely change forever.

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