Chapter 5

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Hamza Dawud

I'd come home from Maghrib to hear crying in the living room. It meant Amy's sister was here.

I understood completely that Amy wanted to help her sister but I didn't trust that woman. I know people change but how could I trust Jasmine when she shut Amy out and didn't even attend her wedding!

Amy keeps saying, she shut her friends out once too. She said that I don't know what it's like to be trapped in a toxic relationship with someone who is emotionally abusive. She never mentions his name but I know who she's talking about. I have never hated someone so much. Sometimes thinking about it makes me so mad. Not just that he abused her but that he even came near her, especially with desire.

I wince at the unbearable thought and take out my phone to distract myself. Anything to take my thoughts away from this. It wasn't a recurring thought but with Jasmine coming into our lives weeping about Jannic, it irritated me that Amy felt she could relate.

"Asalamu'alaykum. What are you doing standing here?" I looked up seeing Amy standing in front of me.

"Wa'alaykumusalaam. I don't know whether I should come in or go to my room. Was your sister's journey okay without us?" Intially, Amy had planned for us to pick her sister up from King's Cross station. But Jasmine insisted she could come on her own with directions. We had to call Safia to give Jasmine directions as she knew King's Cross station well because that was the station she used when she went university.

"Yeah, well, half of Safia's directions were follow the signs." I attempted a smile but I was feeling down with the thoughts that were going through my mind only minutes ago.

"Give me a hug," I said, holding out my arm. Amy wrapped her arms around my waist and put her head against my shoulder. Instantly, I felt better.

"Do you want to come and say hello to my sister and nephew now?" Amy asked. "He's really cute."

"Cuter than me?"

"Why don't you come and see?"

"Okay." I followed Amy into the room to see my sister-in-law sitting there with tear-strained cheeks, cuddling a sleeping baby.

"Jasmine, this is my husband, Hamza." Jasmine stood up and put out her hand for me to shake. I looked at it and then at Amy. Amy took Jasmine's hand and asked her to sit, not bothering to explain why I didn't shake her hand.

"It's okay, you sit down. And give Kaiser back to me, I'll hold him. You just relax." Amy took Kaiser and stood to show the sleeping baby to me.

"He looks like you!" I said, astonished. For some reason, it didn't occur to me that the baby had the possibility of looking like Amy. It was as if in my head, I hadn't even considered this baby being Amy's real nephew. And then I saw the red mark on his head and reality dawned upon me. The real reason why they were here. This baby had been physically abused by his father.

I felt like I'd just woken up. How could I have been so petty when this baby's life was at risk. It was as if it was all just a story but now these people were in front of me. It was all real. And this baby looked like Amy.

I took Kaiser from Amy and gently held him. I knew then that I would do anything to protect this precious baby. I put him against my shoulder and motioned Amy out of the room to have a word with her.

"They're staying without rent or anything. They can stay as long as they want and we'll protect them. We won't let Jannic come near Kaiser," I stated.

Amy smiled with tears filling her eyes. She nodded a thank you and then kissed me on the cheek.

"Kaiser's lucky to have an uncle like you."

"Yes, he is." Amy rolled her eyes.

"I'm going to tell Jasmine that she's welcome here now. I'll take Kaiser if you want."

"No, it's okay, I've got him." I said, putting him on my other shoulder. Amy walked back into the living room.

I was about to make my way to the kitchen when Kaiser began waking up so I stopped. Then I heard Jasmine say,

"Tell me the truth, is he like another Jav? Get Kaiser back." being compared to him made me clench my fist, the one that wasn't supporting Kaiser's back.

"No, he's nothing like him. Hamza's honestly the most amazing person I've met. In fact, he just said to me you and Kaiser can both stay as long as you want and that he'll protect you both.

"Are you sure? He seems quite cold. Amy, I know I wasn't there for you when you came to me after Jav but I'll be there for you now."

"Jasmine, trust me!"

"I'm nothing like that guy, don't you worry," I said, coming back into the room. Kaiser had woken up. "And I don't think there is a worse insult than comparing me to him." I looked down at Kaiser, who I expected to wake up crying. As much as I loved Adam and Maria, they were the biggest cry babies. They'd wake up crying and cry when a stranger held them. Instead, Kaiser just stared up at me with big blue eyes.

"I'm sorry," Jasmine whispered, looking down at her hands.

"He's awake! Let me hold him," Amy said, jumping up. She took Kaiser from me and gave me a look. One that said, just ignore what Jasmine said.

"I'm going upstairs," I said, leaving the room. I was just not feeling happy, which was rare for me. Usually, I'm content. I smile so easily but today, I just felt down.

When I got to my room, I picked up the Qur'an from the shelf, deciding to read it to put some contentment back into my heart.

I read until Isha, went to pray and then came back to a silent house. By this point, I was feeling like myself again. Jasmine and Kaiser had gone to bed and Amy was now praying Isha.

I got ready for bed and it wasn't long before Amy joined me.

"You're not yourself today. Are you okay?"

"It's just been a bit of a rollercoaster today but I'm fine now."

"Aww, don't worry. I assured Jasmine that you're fantastic. So good, even dad likes you. And you know, if dad likes you then you really are something."

"I should put that on my CV. Tough father-in-law likes me."

"And why wouldn't he?" Amy said, curling up next to me.

"Exactly!" Amy shook her head and laughed.

We separated into our own halves of the bed. A short while later, I couldn't help gaze at my wife, grateful for her companionship.

"Alhamdulillah," I whispered.

"For what?" Amy asked, clearly not sleeping yet.


"Oh, I thought you might have burped," she said, smiling. I gave her a light whack on the head.

"Go to sleep."

I turned around, hugged my pillow and counted my blessings until I fell asleep.

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